Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Alito Gets CAP'd in the Back by Democrats

Apparently unable to crack Judge Samuel Alito's 15 years of service, Senate Democrats have decided to try the racist/sexist label on him. The slandering of Alito became bad enough that Alito's wife left the Judiciary Committee room in tears, where Sen. Lindsey Graham apologized to her.
The furor occurred over Alito's membership in a group called Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP). CAP was reputed to be against allowing minorities and women into Princeton. Judge Andrew Napolitano, a CAP board member and Fox News analyst, said that CAP was against instilling Affirmative Action at Princeton. Alito says he doesn't remember when he was a member, but Senate Dems continue to ask the same question, apparently not believing him.
Being an Italian - American, this is getting to be offensive, but not surprising. I remember when Alito's name first came up, that whispers of a Mafia connection started. We're used to this by now .
Sen. Ted Kennedy attempted to hijack the committee from Arlen Specter(R-PA), but eventually Specter did give in and ask for documents related to CAP be requested. It looks like a delay tactic from Senate Dems, as they continue to troll around for the magic bullet - which is a little ironic, considering that Arlen Specter came up with the magic bullet theory in the Assassination of Kennedy's brother.
Why the Democrats waste their time on this is beyond me. They have no chance at beating the appointment, and only make themselves look bad . The Art of War usually says if you can't win a battle, stay out of one until you can win. They'll never learn.

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