Saturday, January 14, 2006

District 63 Update...........

If there is one thing I can teach you, it is this: If you ever need to know what's going on in Florence, ask Shelby Phillips. The woman knows EVERYTHING politically, and usually before anyone else.
Shelby says the poop on Jim McGee's seat in the Legislature goes like this so far. Attorney Hood Temple will run, School Board member Willard Dorriety is out. Dr. Chris Crawford is in, as is Bubby Floyd , son of Bush Pioneer contributor Dr. Eddie Floyd.
This will be a big money race, so the odds on favorites are Temple and Floyd. Shelby says Hood Temple has enough to beat Floyd. There is a ton riding on this seat, because my guess is that Hugh Leatherman, who is losing power in the GOP fast and will be 77, will not run again in 2008. That makes the winner of District 63 the favorite for the Senate in 2 years.
As for who I am picking - not a chance. This is the prime area of my district, so I'll be non-partisan, and support whoever wins. I need all the friends I can get!

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