Sunday, January 29, 2006

My Nightmare on Gibbes Street...............

Friday night, my friend , Bobby, came down from Florence to help his Mom move. We stopped at his aunt's home South of Broad St. Homes in the area start at 7 figures, so I was glad to finally check out a real Charleston house. However, Bobby gave me one warning before we got there. "Don't talk politics with her, she's Democrat, and I mean a CRAZY Democrat!!"
He wasn't kidding. She showed me her DNC card , and let me know how much she hates Republicans. Granted, I always get a good laugh when I see people who make lots of money on the backs of those less fortunate, then try to make up for it afterwards. However , I was a good boy.
While they downed some Dewar's on the rocks, I got a a glimpse of issues from the other side. Bobby's aunt is a retired school teacher, and a guest there is a principal in Charleston County. The funny part is even staunch Democrats involved directly with education know that money is not the issue. It seems that administration are the ones who can't enough cash. The faculty know that there are kids who probably shouldn't be in school because they disrupt the process, but they are always overriden by the District. As the principal said, "Just complain to Goodloe-Johnson ( Chas. Cty Superintendant), and they let them back in."
It let me in on the politics involved in education - and the power grab involved therein. It confirmed my feelings that the Democrats are being duped by the education establishment to help them in the cash grab, but when people are looking for someone to get money from the government, that's who they will usually go to. My advice is to ask specifically what they need the money for, and don't give money to those items that don't pass the sniff test.


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Mr. Reino,
    Let's hear your thoughts on our worst in the nation (almost) unemployment rate. The Sanford foes say the governor alone deserves the blame, but the Sanfordites come up with every reason under the sun not to blame him. where do you stand

  2. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Gee Mike, in conclusion you sound like that intolerant, horrible heterosexual, Christian white man, Earl's cousin John Graham Altman III. One day an audit will show up just how much collusion has been flowing about, til then, "its for the children" continues to be the hypocritical cry of the left.

    They're right of course, they merely aren't adding the fact that they are sepaing of the debt and other consequences.
