Saturday, January 07, 2006

Raving Maniac Indeed.....

Scouring through the blogosphere, a blog called The Raving Maniac has plastered his column on a few other blogs. It is essentially downing Gov. Sanford, and he says he's embarrassed to be a Republican and from South Carolina. A few tips:

1. A Republican is NEVER embarrassed for being one, and a South Carolinian is NEVER ashamed of their home - you either aren't one or possibly both of them.

2. Republicans never say " We Can Do Better" . That only comes from the lips of John Kerry , Nancy Pelosi or a DNC talking head.

By the way, the only Maniacs I've ever listened to was 10,000 Maniacs - ok, I'm dating myself.

1 comment:

  1. NeoCon, I don't think so. Just too much Demo-goguery. I chat with Rod Jr. a lot. As anti-Sanford as they may be, you'd never hear them say they're embarrased at heir party. Also, he'd plaster his post on Wag, not the Laurin Line.
