Wednesday, January 25, 2006

SC : Number 50 , With a Bullet !!

Not to make light of our state's unemployment problems, but this isn't funny anymore. I won't place blame on anyone in particular, but we have some fundamental problems in South Carolina. You can opt for biting sarcasm ( SC Barbeque and Politics), or more constructive discussions (Pee Dee Stuff) on the topic.
My best suggestion is to end the blame game, and to work on some real solutions, no matter which sacred cows get offended. My favorite joke about our state goes like this: "SC is too small to be a separate country, and too big to be an insane asylum." I don't mind jokes about our state, but when our state becomes the joke itself, I get worried.


  1. I wonder how many of these people really want jobs? If these people want high paying secure jobs, well, you have to deserve one of those.

  2. There is some truth in that, Chip. I worked in Marion when Russell Stover put 800 people out of work. The word was that the Marion plant closed due to poor labor. While that is true in some cases, I cringe when I hear talk about " those lazy N****rs". That is judgemental and futile.
    In no way am I implying that is what you're saying, my apologies if it sounds that way. However, I do hear that on the road too much.

  3. I see way too many Mexicans working for there to be a labor shortage. And I think that laziness transcends race.
