Monday, January 02, 2006

Seriously, Pray for the Coal Miners....

I'll get a little personal here. I've been watching the news about the coalminers in West Virginia, and I'd like to ask you to pray for them tonight. It's personal because about 95 years ago, my grandfather came over from Italy to work in the mines in Pennsylvania, and my uncle joined him. It's such a bad job, that my dad left Pa. when he was 13 to avoid the mines.

If you ever want to see a crappy job, work in a mine sometime. It's filthy, cold and extremely dangerous. As advanced as technology has become, they still cannot 100% protect miners from entrapment from things like a bolt of lightning. One minute, you're doing your job, the next, you're stuck 250 feet underground and 2 miles deep with no food, water or air, waiting helplessly for someone to save you.

When you go to bed tonight, be sure to include them in your prayers. Thanks!

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