Monday, January 09, 2006

So, Did Anyone Miss Me?....

Sorry I didn't post for a couple days here. I was in Florence - I finally got up early enough to drive the 2 hrs and make it to church on time. I should find a church in Charleston, but there's something about going to your home church that's special. I stayed overnight and attended the Florence County GOP meeting. It was poorly attended ( about 15 people), but we did have a statewide candidate speak.
It was Elizabeth Moffly. Who you ask? Well, she is running for Inez' old job as Sec. of Education. She is a business owner and mother from Mt. Pleasant, or as they say here, Mt. P. Being a fringe candidate myself, I always take an interest in trying to help the little guy, or lady.
She read a prepared speech, which sounded more like a dissertation, for about 12 minutes. I've given my share of bad speeches, so I forgave her on that point, but we were on Strike One. She was much more comfortable just answering questions, so I decided to ask her the same questions that Chip asked me.

1. Should equity in funding be on a per student or dollar for dollar basis? She had said she was for equal funding, but would not really peg an answer on this. " some schools need more projects than others" . I thought this was an easy question..... Strike Two.

2. What do you think of the TERI program? " What is TERI?" I kid you not. Aside from Medicare, TERI is eating up the State budget worse than anything, and she didn't know what it was. Strike Three.

I always try to encourage out of the loop people to run, but I can't support Mrs. Moffly. Being a mother and well off doesn't make you qualified for this job. Sorry.


  1. she didn't know what TERI is?

  2. I wish I was kidding, but that is correct.

  3. you've got a standing invite to join me at my church, any sunday 9am you can be on king street in downtown charleston.

    us melkite catholics, with our orthodox liturgy, are kinda odd, but we do love our traditions!
