Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tired of Top Ten Lists? Tough Crap !! It's the Hotties of the Hill !!

I know, you're tired of Top Ten Lists - but I did promise this about 4 months ago. Besides, mine has pictures to look at, not just reasons why Andre Bauer does/doesn't need a driver!

I exhaustively searched through all of the women of the House of Representatives, and for a while, I didn't think I could find ten to profile, but I lucked out. Five are Republicans, Five are Democrats, so I threw partisanship out the window for once...

I don't just have pictures, I also threw in a little info about each ( not of the Playboy variety), so hopefully, this will be educational as well. Speaking of what this is, is this Sexist? I hope not. Is it entertaining? I hope so. Is it ripping off everyone else - you bet! So without further adieu, I give you the Hotties of Capitol Hill !

Number 10: Jo Ann Davis (R-VA)

No, not Alice from the Brady Bunch (that's Ann B. Davis). Rep. Davis was a realtor before joining Congress. You can picture her trying to sell you a 4BR, 3.5BA in a great school district, can't you? She serves on the Armed Services, Intelligence and international Relations committees. But what makes her hot? She is a breast cancer survivor - tough is hot.

Number 9: Doris Matsui (D-CA).

Rep. Matsui took over after her husband Bob Matsui passed away suddenly in Jan. 2005, but she is no starnger to politics. She was a member of virtually every civic organization back in Cali, and she now serves on the Rules committee. Why is she hot? Because she is so tiny and cute! I can't confrim this, but I believe she is about 4'5". Instead of sending cracked hammers like Nancy Pelosi and Marty ( Maahty) Meehan to try and get their way, the Dems would be better off sending Little Doris to mother them into compromise.

Number 8: Loretta Sanchez (D-CA)

Loretta reminds me of all the Hispanic girls I went to High School with - but none of the girls I knew have an MBA from American University. This red-hot Latina serves on the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees, so she is ALL about Defense. Muy Caliente'!

Number 7: Virginia Foxx (R-NC).

Now, before you think I've lost my mind, just think. For starters, she's a FOXX. Secondly, she has that Grandmotherly App. State drawl (where she used to teach) . Thirdly, she's an Ag. nut, which I always like. She serves on the Agriculture, education and Government Reform Committees. Foxxy? You Bet!

Number 6: Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX).

She is wrong on almost every issue that exists, and she doesn't give a rat's ass! That is why she is hot. Among her favorite hobbies is wrestling other House members for the front row on State of the Union night. What is amazing is her resume. She has degrees from Yale and Virginia Law School, has served as a Judge , City Council member, and she is on the judiciary, Science and Homeland Security committees. this all goes to show one thing: All the education in the world can still make you stupid! But she is a Strong Black Woman, and that's enough to make the list.

Number 5: Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Sure, I can't stand her and the way she tries to politicize EVERYTHING... But hey, the lady looks pretty good for 65. If I was 65, i'd be satisfied with her - as long as I have a pair of ear plugs! One little tidbit about the Minority Leader: Her father and brother were both Mayor of Baltimore (her native city). That's about all I can take............

Number 4: Katherine Harris (R-FL)

Surprise! I bet you didn't know Kat had such a good figure. She's come a long way from the Spackle Lipsticked 2000 Election Days. The woman is pretty smart too. She is Harvard educated, and was an IBM Exec. before she saved Dubya by sticking to her guns as Sec. of State in Florida. Hopefully, she will win the Senate seat, because the ladies in the other chamber need work - hence , no Senators on our list.

Number 3: Mary Bono (R-CA).

No doubt, some of you have been waiting for this one. Mary is our second widow, and the 4th from California on our list. She definitely uses the Pilates machine, and she probably would be Number One if not for one reason: She hasn't done anything in Congress, and that is NOT HOT..... However she is well cultured (Art history degree from USC), so you could do a lot worse. Anyone who makes Cher jealous can't be that bad...

Number 2: Marsha Blackburn, (R-TN)

Marsha has all the credentials that it takes to be Hot on the Hill - she's conservative, smart, and she works hard. You can usually see her on C-SPAN after dinnertime, fighting off those stupid 30-something Democrats. She's a graduate of Mississippi State, andserves on the Energy and Commerce Committees. I forgot - she's pretty darned good looking, and she has the most distinct drawl in Congress!! Marsha has given it a good fight, but she falls just short on our list... So, here is our Pick of the Litter...........

Number 1 : Stephanie Herseth (D-SD).

Sure, a lot of you won't agree with me. But, look at it from my viewpoint. I'm 37, and there aren't many women in Congress that are your age that don't look like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (AARRGHH!!). Steph is really cute, she's not a sarcastic, superpartisan kissass, and she's an Ethanol Nut. She serves on the Ag, Veterans Affairs and Resources Committees A graduate of George Washington University Law School, she also has a political pedigree - Her Grandpa was Governor of South Dakota, Grandma was Secretary of State, and Dad ran for Governor also. Okay, maybe she's not your style, but this is MY list, so too bad! Congrats, Stephanie - too bad I won't get to be in a Committee with you this year!

Well, that's it! I can't believe how long it took to do this. Hopefully, you'll appreciate the effort. Maybe we'll get some fresh faces in Washington to add next year - sorry Ralph Norman, you have NO SHOT!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Mike, Sanchez is no latina, ask B-One Bob Dornan. She changed her name to attract Latino votes, both legitand fraudeulent (did I say illegal immigrants?). Against a stacked election commission Bone Bob got hosed and not in a nice way.
