Monday, February 06, 2006

$2.77 Trillion - Still Not Enough for Some People .....

Over $9200 for every man , woman and child in America, and the Democrats still complain about " cuts". Everytime the budget comes out, I feel like we lose more ground every year, and the Democrats win the sympathy battle. Overall, the budget is 2.3% higher than last year, and entitlements are 7.5% higher, yet there were Kent Conrad and our own John " Harrrumph!!" Spratt, attacking the budget like we are taking food out of babies mouths.
I call Spratt "Harrumph" , not just because he's a Dem flunkie , but also because that's the sound a bulldog makes when he barks - and if Spratt isn't the second coming of Droopy Dog...... There is one difference - bulldogs have teeth!
Seriously, the Dems need a better spokesman than Spratt. He make know the budget X and O's, but he makes no sense when speaking. " In 1997, ahrrle frabble, gebba wabble!!", and that's about it. Maybe incoherence is a good asset in Washington, but the GOP has lined up a couple candidates ready to take him on this year, and he better be clearer on the message, or his days are numbered...

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