Monday, February 20, 2006

I'm Not Dubai-ing This Port Security Deal......

I'm not having a very agreeable week with the Bush Adminstration. First they are trying to sell off about 1100 acres from Francis Marion National Forest, now this Port Security contract worth $6.8 Billion is going to a country where three of the 9/11 terrorists came from. Rarely do I agree with Chuck Schumer - I can't stand that BS Cheshire Cat grin of his when he spews some of his partisan junk, but him and the numerous Republicans against this are right. These are the last people we need to entrust out port safety to.
I case you didn't know, the US doesn't even currently have the contract to our port security - the British do. How we can't find a US company willing to work a contract of this magnitude is beyond me. I imagine it has something to do with getting sued should an event occur, but that's an issue for another day.
I know we send Tiger Woods over there every year to shoot a couple rounds , and take a couple million dollars of their money, but this isn't quite an even trade. The main problem is security. We have schools in Iran literally signing up classes of students to teach them to be suicide bombers - look on a map and see how close the United Arab Emirates is to Iran and Iraq. The downside of this move is just too great to take chances.
Even Chucky is in favor of a company like Halliburton working this contract than a Middle Eastern country handling this. Let's start again, and get this right. America is pretty cool - I can disagree with my president and still support him. God Bless us!

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