Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Jim Must Hate Himself , Along With His Neighbors on Lake Marion....

My good buddy Moye Graham sent me the two latest copies of the Manning Times, which had a large focus on Old Jim. Clyburn took about 30 mostly white students from Wofford College on a class trip ( or was it a guilt trip ) to Summerton. He showed them various sites in the area related to the struggle of Brown vs. Board of Education, and then took part in a forum on the subject.
Clyburn decided to detour the forum to attack all opponents of his projects, most notably the Briggs -DeLaine-Pearson Connector and the Lake Marion Regional Water Authority. Then inexplicably, he decided to attack the retirees living on Lake Marion. " I want create an area that is attractive for business, not for retired people. These are people who have lived their productive lives somewhere else. They no longer have children. They no longer care about education, so they are not going to vote for funding these referenda."
Where do we start here? First, a note to retirees - go kill yourselves immediately, because you are no longer considered productive by Jim's standards. Those property taxes that you pay right now give you no rights as citizens in his eyes. That should be Jim's first business directive, to employ a " Soilent Green" Machine to eliminate all citizens older than Jim. Get a job or die.
Secondly, Clyburn has been pushing tourism in our state for years now, but not around the only recreational lake in the District? What exactly is the casino he's been pushing considered? Definitely not manufacturing.
Thirdly, and the most ironic, Clyburn IS a retiree, who has no kids, and lives on Lake Marion!! If Old Jim resents those on the other side of the lake, perhaps he should appropriate a mirror be installed in the center.

Most bloggers are pretty young, so I'll ask you to tell your grandparents..... If seniors vote for Clyburn, they deserve what they will get - lower Social Security payments and no repsect from a man who uses them for votes.


  1. Mike - you don't think that's a development full of Montgomery Burns clones, do you?

  2. What's the real reason he wants to connect Lone Star and Rimini across the lake?

    I can't figure it out. Of course, you have more connections than I, but something smells funny about it. I wrote about it here.

  3. Anonymous9:10 PM

    He wants to create another inland port in that area.

  4. Inland port? How's he gonna pull that off?

  5. The inland port is supposed to connect the 301-I95 area by rail to the Port of Charleston. That is pretty much a done deal- business and local officials are all on board. The only trouble is that it will add costs to doing business there, which makes the Jasper port more attractive.
    I've read different reasons for his motivation for the bridge, even ones as odd as his frustration of having to drive around the lake on Sundays when he was a kid. My guess is it's an attempt to open Orangeburg to more business from Sumter. SC State, O-C Tech and local industry would benefit , and it's just pork, so why complain??

  6. Earl,
    You almost went over my head with the Mr. Burns question - my Simpsons days were awhile back. But I'll leave this for you........

    "Smithers, move me out to Lake Marion and fix the election on any school tax referendums - we don't want to waste on money on educating those poor black children. Gotta keep 'em down afterall.." Is that how Jim sees it?

  7. Where will the inland port be? According to a maps, there is already rail across there? So why a road?

  8. The bridge is supposed to parallel the train tracks, but the port is supposed to be 10 miles down the road - either in the I-95, I-26 and 301 triangle, or down I-95 near St. George.
    This is where Clyburn makes no sense. The lake area really can be ( and should be ) recreation only. If the Catawbas have their way, the bingo hall will go there. So what is the purpose of the bridge?? Not much in my view.

  9. There's got to be some other reason.

    That just doesn't make sense to me.

  10. Chip, I don't know what motivates people sometimes. I'll give you the list of all the reasons he's given or what I've heard. It could be any or all of them.
    1. It was promised 50 years ago- read
    2. He didn't like driving around the lake as a kid -read.
    3. To improve accessibility for Orangeburg businesses -heard
    4. He owns a house on the lake, so his property value will go up - true.
    5. He owns part of a hotel/motel on the lake - heard.
    6. He likes the metaphoric value of a bridge - heard
    7. He is building it to show he can -heard.
    8. Builders give good donations - true. Quid Pro Quo.

  11. It just seems so odd to me. I can't fathom a GOOD reason to build the bridge.

    If hes got a GOOD reason to want to put a bridge there, shouldn't he just say so?

    He's never come out and said why he's funding the building of a road connecting US 15 and Hwy 341 in Bishopville, but it's to open up about 5 miles of interstate frontage to development. Good thing, but why not just say it? At first glance, the project looks stupid. It's a road that runs parallel to an interstate.

  12. Chip,
    If I had to say why these projects come up, I'd say there is a theory among a lot of officials around here who have what I call the "Field of Dreams" Complex. That is, if you build it, they will come. Right now, we have Orangeburg building an inland port, Marion wants to build a 17,000 acre port and Airport, and the bridge. Personally, I don't think I-73 will improve driving to Myrtle Beach that much, and Florence will be voting on a $380 million road bill in November because if we don't take the money, someone else will.
    Politicians like projects because they create jobs (temporary ones usually) , and they can point to something tangible and say, " I built it." Long Term isues like Social Security reform, tax reform and enabling the private sector to create opportunity just isn't sexy.

  13. To an extent, the "Field of Dreams" complex is not so terrible. IF there is a need and desire for such projects.

    I think that the Lee County project is a good one. I wish he would tell people that, but then I bet you don't...

    But I do agree that some projects are just 'fluff' to send money on and draw attention to themselves.

    And I do agree that our politicians need to focus on long term issues like you mentioned. Fat chance, though.

  14. Sure, some areas need spec buildings, and the Marion County project is supposed to be paid for by Burroughs and Chapin - if the State Ports Authority lets them do it. My guess on the Lee County project is that it may be in the 5th District, and the total of Lee County votes in the 6th is about 150.

  15. I just heard on TV last night that there is an inland port in Summerville?

    Surely they aren't talking about foreign trade zone 21 in Jedburg, are they? That's not much of anything.

  16. No, it's a section of S'ville north of I-26 , but it doesn't have a connection to the interstate yet. They are planning building a separate road to it, near Spruill Ave., but it will cost about $300 million.

  17. North of I-26? I'd heard stuff here and there about this, but I naturally assumed they meant somewhere in N Charleston.
