Wednesday, March 08, 2006

And Now, The End is Near.........

Hello, sports fans! Well, the inevitable has finally arrived. Time for we candidates to put or shut up, to throw our money on the table and say, "I'm in." Well, my chips are all gone, and no one seemed willing to back me up. Therefore, I'll be in Manning tomorrow to announce that I will not be in the race in 2006.
How do these things happen? Well, there are lots of reasons- some are my fault, some are things that I tried to change , but my pleas fell on deaf ears. I cleared out a ton of debt that goes back to before the 2004 campaign, but in doing so, I'm suffering from the chronic disease known as Mafunzolo (Cashius Nonexistus). This puts me in agreat position for '08, but right now, time is too short to do it on my own.
Why do I have to do it on my own? Because fundraising was absolutely abysmal. I got a few of the $50-100 variety from people who saw what I put into this the past two years, and I truly appreciate the help. But the message that the GOP needs to fix itself first in the 6th District by putting up a candidate that can attract minority votes fell flat. Too many people view this seat as a lost cause, and that is sad. I often hear from white candidates how they were promised votes from black, and that it didn't happen. Well, maybe they need to think that African-American voters are smarter than they think. If you see a candidate who looks , talks and sounds like the people who you think have oppressed you for 400 years, would you vote for them?
I talked to everyone from county chairs to current and former congressmen, and they agreed. There are other seats to go after, but not this one - not right now. The comment that struck me the most was when a friend in Charleston said, " Mike , you have a great future, but the Don Quixote routine has got to end." If that was the way my campaign was viewed, then it's time to regroup.
There are a couple Florence County Council seats up for grabs this year. I haven't made up my mind- there a few people out there with less ideas, but more money than me, and we all know which matters in politics. Time is short, so I'll be making my mind up pretty quickly, and when I know, you'll know!
Thanks for all the support, and keep reading my blog for BS free commentary on what's going on.


  1. Ideas matter ... right?

    More wishful thinking. Hey, that means more time to go out and make an honest paycheck outside of government. When was the last time Jim Clyburn ever did that?

    Maybe you can buy yourself your very own lakehouse on Lake Marion. Like the one that Clyburn opens up for all his inner-city constituents from Charleston and Columbia.

    He does that, doesn't he? Or would all those types seem a little unsightly now that Mr. Jefferson is movin' on up?

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I like BS free commentary...

  3. Say it ain't so, Mike!

    Well, at least you'll still be here! Good luck.

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I've always thought you'd do better to start off with local races. County Council in Florence can be a pretty high profile office, which can help to build name recognition and get your message out.

  5. Yes, we will be making an announcement soon on my future intentions. Stay Tuned......

  6. Gonna run in the primary for Altman's seat?
