Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Moussaoui , The Muckraker, and Their 9/11 Delusions...

Sorry for being a day or two late on this one........ So Zacarias Moussaoui wants us to believe that he was going to pilot a 5th plane into the White House with Richard Reid on 9/11. Even though sources from inside al-Qaeda such as Khaild Sheikh Mohammed have said that Moussaoui is not telling the truth, all you really need to do is the math.

We had 4 teams of terrorists on 9/11, each with 5 members except the one team that was taken down in Pa. Which makes more sense, that he was the 5th member of the 4th team, or that he and Reid were part of a totally separate team made up of only two members?? Moussaoui is clearly trying to make himself out to be more than he was, and he wants to earn a fast trip to the 72 virgins he was promised....

This brings me to my other beef this week. I read the Muckraker every once in a while to get the Libertarian view of topics. sometimes they make a lot of sense, and sometimes they sound like a bunch of Conspiracy Theorist lunatics about a half step away from those militarists we had about 10 years ago. An article on 9/11 this week went that way.

First, let me explain that I am not impartial on this . I lost 12 people that went to my college in the attacks, so my Irish gets up when I start hearing BS about Americans blowing up the towers, or that the government knew ahead of time and did nothing. I will concentrate on one major point: The Falling of Tower Seven. It fell about 530PM - about 7 hrs after both towers fell. The theory is that Tower 7, about 47 stories, was exploded on purpose by someone. Bullshit.

Let's discuss this from two angles: First, you're talking about a building that sits on a slurry foundation that had been damaged by the force of a combined 220 stories or steel and concrete being dropped on it. Also, the heat of the burning buildings probably exceeded 800 degrees, which further weakened the structure. Physically, it is entirely probable.

The second part is what the function of Tower 7 was, and the impossibility of bombing it. Tower 7 includes the Port Authority of New York's Main Communications Center. This is the brain of all the Port Authority's operations. Muckraker is trying to tell us that either Al_Qaeda or the Government went in before or during the attacks to set a bomb in the Tower. Think about it. The entire operation was done by a group of guys with boxcutters from the air, and he wants you to believe that they planted enough explosives to drop a 40-50 story building afterwards?? This completely blows the sniff test. But, Oliver Stone would be proud!!

It really insults the victims and their families when crap like this gets spread on the internet. We always feel that there must be something bigger than 20 losers with knives and a plane to cause this much destruction. However, they do happen. I'm afraid that i'll need to stop reading the Muckraker, because I'd rather miss the ocassional good post when I see the twisted viewpoint that it comes from.

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