Monday, March 13, 2006

Testing Reveals that only the "Nay" Button Works on Clyburn's Voting Device.....

Man, I DO LOVE THIS PICTURE!! Looks like a Spike Lee/ Ang Lee movie project gone awry! (voiceover)....... "Nothing could come between their love......Not even their left-wing , out of touch ideologies" ... Ang/Spike Lee bring you...... Broke Values Mountain (Do the Wrong Thing)..

Okay, back to the real reason I wrote this post. Apparently, Jim Clyburn has lost touch with all reality, or his electronic voting device is stuck in the "No" position. Take a quick look at his votes this week:

First , Jimbo voted against renewing the Patriot Act. For someone who talks so much about security and fighting terrorism, he sure seems to be voting against what South Carolina wants.

Secondly, JC voted against streamlining the food labeling process to a generic , national system. I'm not a huge "one size fits all" kind of a guy, but it makes sense in this case. Without a singular, streamlined system, states like California would just put a sticker on all food items, saying "Everything Gives You Cancer". Except VEGGIES, of course. Just a side note: does anyone else remember the Joe Jackson song with that name?

This week should be a cinder block in the forehead that Old Smokey is flipping the voters of South Carolina the bird, and just voting the party line. Need proof? On both of these votes, John Spratt voted for both of these bills, along with the rest of the SC delegation.

I leave you with a joke: Why did Jim Clyburn cross the road? He doesn't know, ask Nancy Pelosi.


  1. wow... GREAT picture...

    Yes, I agree, if you aren't careful, you'll find CA Prop 65 Cancer stickers on everything, INCLUDING the veggies... (Excessive consumption of Brussel Sprouts has been known to cause...)
