The major issue in Florence County this year is the 1% tax refendum to fund road construction. This November, the voters will come to the polls to vote on a tax bill that will raise about $128 million from the county, to be matched by $250 million in state funds over the next 7 years. Is this a big deal in little Florence County? You bet! County officials are licking their chops to get the money. Voters have a lot of questions, and the county has worked hard to "inform" them. The bigger issue may be the State Infrastructure Bank as an institution itself.
This year, the biggest statewide issue was funding equity in education for rural counties. The argument whether equity is equality in actual dollars , or dollars per student is still under dispute ( and not answered really by the ruling Judge). Let me ask a question... What if we took tax dolars form across the state and gave NO money to the rural counties for education? We'd have a riot. Well, the SIB is the same thing.
The SIB takes tax dollars from citizens across South Carolina, and then gives it to counties that get the approval from the board. Which counties are atking advantage of this? York (twice), Horry and Charleston ( up for a second helping again). Smaller counties are sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Columbia, and not getting any return. Legislators are not going to assist - the majority are from the bigger cities. It essentially is an example of rural South Carolina getting hookwinked and fleeced.
Now, the hard part. As unfair a plan as the SIB is, Florence has made it to the show, and gotten approved by the Board. Sen. Leatherman put the screws to them, and he got the money. Secondly, Florence County needs the improvements. I've had bosses in Charleston refuse to invest in businesses in Florence, due to the relatively poor infrastructure. The City of Florence is worse. I suggest that they drop the 2% "tourism tax" , and use it to repave Palmetto , Irby and Lucas streets. The five prioritized projects stretch across the entire county, and each has a need of either safety, or to attract business. I don't see pork in any of the projects ( barring what they do with them), and honestly, it's the best deal we're ever going to get. Therefore, I'm going to vote for it - along with most of the voters. When this happens, two other things need to be done.
No. 1: Eliminate the $30 Road Maintenance Fee. Most of the fee on registered cars in the county does not go towards fixing roads. Therefore, get rid of the fee. Councilman Ken Ard said that half of it could be dropped with no change in services, but he has no support. I'll help him with that.
No.2 : Watch the Politicians. Want to know how a lot of local officials make thier money? Building roads. Some make cement, some make rebar, some rent the equipment - and $378 million goes a long way. Right now, I have no idea who will be handing out the contracts, but the politicians need to know we have eyes, and we're not suckers. Now you want to know why they spend $250,000 campaigning for a $10k a year job??
I can hear the RINO calls already, but take a trip through the county sometime, and you'll agree that we need this one shot. We're lucky that we got this one chance, and the rare help from Columbia is all we need. A new Airport? - that's another issue.............