Time to clear the gunk-like stuff taking up space in my head this week, so welcome to another Fuzzy Thoughts....
I see a poll from MSNBC says that President Bush has hit another low - 36% approval from likely voters, meaning unmarried illegal immigrants in the greater San Francisco area. There is one tidbit they included that shouldn't make blowhard Democrat cheerleaders like Jim Clyburn happy ( bet you thought I was going to leave him alone). Approval ratings for Congress are down as well for both parties, and the gap in approval for the Democrats has dropped from 13 points to only 6. Like I posted on the blog for a certain low calorie soda drinker(Diet Kool Aid?), if the Dems expect to win on protest with no plan, they're in for a big disappointment in November.....
The neverending unpacking of Dad's stuff continues.. He swears someone stole some shoes and shorts of his, so whoever has them, please bring them back, so I don't have to unpack the 20 remaining boxes of junk to find them...... I sat through a 3 hour Planning Commission meeting last night (how Andy Cole goes to these every month is mindboggling). Since I last went two years ago, it is like night and day. They actually THINK about the rezoning issue before them, instead of just ok'ing it. Good things happen when you don't let Real Estate agents on the Planning Board. Kudo's to Glynn Willis. Yes, Glynn is Frank's nephew or cousin, but at least he's not embarrassed to say he's a Republican........
Is the SC Blogosphere on Spring Break lately? Some major blogs haven't posted in a while here. There is always something to chat about, so get back on the wagon, gang!!...........Is it just me, or has Pearl Jam completely lost their relevance? I've heard the new song about 20 times, and I think it's a remake of the "Beep, Beep " song on the Ford commercials. I gave up on Eddie and the boys returning to the huge sound that they had when "Ten" came out long ago, but this is starting to become like the Bearded Lady or Lobster Boy... They would have been better if they flamed out like Nirvana and Guns & Roses. No one likes a player who stayed in the game 5 years too long....... Speaking of which, Barry Bonds hit Number 711 today. It looks like his bat is starting to come around a bit, and that he will pass Babe Ruth - too bad. I think he'd be liked better at this point if he blew a knee, and had to retire....... Thank God, it finally rained today!
Check in Friday for this week's Milton Waddams Award - the winner will receive a 10 year old, Red Swingline stapler!
Have you seen my stapler? It's a red swwingline stapler... and... and... and... I'm gonna burn down the building.