Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Scott McClellan: Free at Last, Free at Last !!

White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan will be stepping down. Good for him! Take a look at the picture, and that is McClellan's usual position - like he's being robbed. While the Bush Administration hasn't done everything right, poor McClellan has spent the past 2 1/2 years getting hammered like no in history.

McClellan, who bears a striking resemblance to Jay W. Ragley, finally had enough of the barrage of insults and childlike behavior from David Gregory, John Roberts and the rest of the Pro-Left crybabies working the White House lawn. When McClellan writes a book about his experiences, I'm buying it!

Where does McClellan go from here? My first guest is straight to his therapist for a little venting... Maybe a small step down from this job would be Press Secretary for Big Oil, or even less popular- Defense attorney for Zacarias Moussaoui. No doubt Scott has paid his dues, and he should be allowed to write his own ticket for all the BS he took on that podium.

Congratulations, Scott! Take a nice vacation, and my best wishes in the private sector.


  1. I bet you wouldn't want his job for any amount of money, Jay.

  2. Thanks! There are worse jobs - like fundraising coordinator for the SC Democratic Party... Uncle Joe, Poppa needs a loan for the campaign!
