Thursday, April 06, 2006

Time to Get Yo' Freak On..... It's the Silver Elephant Banquet !!

This weekend, Republicans will let their hair down, and party like it's 1999. Yeah, right! There is going to be some serious politicking going on at wherever it's being held Friday night. Why don't I know where it's at? Simple . I never got an invitation... If the Postal Service is like it's been recently, I'll get it next week. No big deal, I'm not running, so i won't be too involved.

Since I won't be there, here's what I'd look out for:

1. Will the Lovelace people be as vocal in front of Sanford as they are when he's not around.

2. Will all the other Supt. of Ed candidates aside from Karen Floyd and Bob Staton be asked to stop wasting OUR time. ( Enter Jeff Spicoli quote here.....).

3. Will the Lt. Gov candidates drive themselves up to the stage?

4. How much longer can the 4 Treasurer candidates keep from finally ripping each other to pieces?

5. When do Thomas Ravenel and Greg Ryberg start buying drinks for everyone?

6. Will Ag. Secretary candidate William Bell bring his cowbell with him, or do we get a break? Will Hugh Weathers retaliate by making it rain indoors?

7. When do the delegates get a ballot , telling them who the Party wants them to vote for? BAAAAAA!!!!!

Sounds like it could be fun. I'd liked to have seen George Allen again, but I'm sure he will be back. For those of you going, enjoy!!


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Reference to #2...stop wasting YOUR time??? Please..unless you are the one spending literally hundreds of hours running around the state, working your tail off, trying to do something to actually MAKE a difference, what does it matter to you?? It's not your time or your money. I don't know why everyone assumes it's a done deal with either Staton or Floyd, you might just be surprised.

  2. Dude:

    I wonder which of those "other" candidates posted?

  3. Looks like I've hurt someone's feelings. Earl can attest that I've done the driving, spent the money, only to have my campaign fall on deaf, uninterested ears. Supt. of Ed. is a race with Tier 1 and Tier 2 candidates, and honestly some of them haven't improved or have no message. Floyd and Staton (to a lesser extent) have all the support of the State Party, and they put in who they want. Refer to No. 7. I don't mean to be cruel, but that's pretty much how it goes.

  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Let me be perfectly honest here, something that I have found is refreshing in the world of politics. I am actually not one of the "other" candidates, just associated with one. And my feelings aren't hurt, afer all, I have read hundreds of similar blogs. It's just the fact that I think ANY candidate, from the most respected down to the low man on the totem pole deserves a little respect, don't you? I mean, as you well know, campaigning takes a lot out of a person, from money all the way to time well spent with family. I just think that any person that is willing to put everything on the line and sincerely focus on the wellbeing of our state deserves to at least be heard for their famous "2 minutes" or so, don't you? Sorry if I came across harsh, didn't mean to, just thought I'd state my opinion.

  5. No problem... I feel for candidates in that position. I paid $3300 in 2004, and didn't get to speak because that would allow Gary McLeod to talk also. Unfortunately, politics is a very harsh business.

  6. anon - of the "other" candidates, some are really fringe candidates with little appeal and no clue, and some of them are genuinely good people, hard-working candidates who have a lot to offer, but just don't have the campaign budgets or connections.

    those people never get the votes they've earned, but they earn my respect every time. whether or not most people know they exist, they should appreciate people like that being on the ballot.

  7. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Thanks guys, I couldn't agree with you more. I guess I just can't understand why people complain about the way things are, then turn around and elect the same exact kind of person to fill that position. Oh well, this has been an interesting experience to say the least, I have learned a lot! Have a great day.

  8. Anonymous5:22 PM

    On the Supt. of Ed. Floyd will smoke the rest and I know all of them except Ms. Moffly. Is she the best candidate I do not know. She is the best looking one down right pretty and probably has the most money. The SCGOP wants her do I need to go any further

  9. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Mike is right he the man. No one in SC drove, rode and attended meetings more than Mike Reino not to mention the money and he got very little support if any from the SCGOP. Was it the hair on the chin Bubba.

  10. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Go William Bell he did have his cow bells and they sounded great at the convention. Not as good as Hugh Weathers singing the National Anthem at the SCGOP Convention. Or Hugh Weathers telling everyone at the last Executive Meeting to go to Orangeburg for a BBQ with Senator F. from Tennessee who had just spoke to us. Or as good as Hugh Weathers singing the Anthem at the Silver Elephant. Is the SCGOP pushing Hugh Weathers maybe. Can William sing last find out.

  11. great posts everyone! Moye, if I lose about 30 lbs, I'll drop the goatee- gotta hide the chins! The Ag. Sec. race is probably the best race that the media isn't watching. I like both of them, and whoever wins the Primary will take the General Election.
    It is interesting in the split between the two: Weathers definitely has the SCGOP support - he was appointed by Mark Sanford after all. However, Bell was a County Chair with lots of GOP ties in and out of state. Should be a real good one!

  12. One other thing - Moye Graham is the Man! Moye for National Delegate, or anything else he wants!

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The SCGOP might want K. Floyd, but what about the general public? I have yet to see anyone post a positive comment regarding Karen, and isn't that what it ultimately comes down to, the people?
