Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Return of Behind the Music....

I really should have left this post for Earl, but I need to quit talking shop for a couple minutes. From 1998 to 2001, VH1's Behind the Music was about all I watched on TV. Well, in celebration of Heavy Metal Month, BTM is back!

Ratt and Pantera weren't my favorite bands. Ratt just seemed a little queer, and Pantera scared me. But the bands aren't the important reason to watch - heck, i've watched BTM on Badfinger and Styx! You watch to find out where these guys came from, and all the cool dirt. Some are better than others.....

Ratt was okay. It was the usual stuff - work hard, catch a break, become famous, party too much, turn into an A-hole, then break up. The exception was guitarist Robbin Crosby's battle with Heroin and HIV. One other tidbit was that Milton Berle wasn't singer Stephen Pearcy's uncle, but Ratt's manager's uncle. Aside from that, it's pretty standard.

Pantera was pretty good. Complete with footage from 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott's onstage murder, it was one of the few BTM's that are still a work in progress - or regress, as the case may be. The general viewpoint is that Abbott's killer did it because Pantera broke up. If that's true, singer Phil Anselmo is living with a lot of guilt for not rejoining the band, and drummer Vinnie Paul ( Dimebag's brother) likely has an immeasurable amount of anger at Anselmo. Hopefully, those guys can make up with each other and end the hate.

Earl is probably writing his own review as we speak. That or he's at the Jackal show in Myrtle Beach, trying to get an autographed chainsaw! Enjoy the weekend!


  1. I did see the Ratt Behind the Music, but NO, I'm not writing a review.

    The Behind the Music stuff has gotten a little shopworn for just what you pointed out - this stuff is about the same: poor kids get rich, party hard, turn on each other, break up, and find themselves broke ... and never with any really good endings.

    These bands piss away dozens of times more dough than I'll see in my entire lifetime, and I haven't seen a one who ever said "man, did I f*** up by blowing all that dough, or what?".

    I saw Stephen Pearcy with his Rat Pack band last summer at House of Blues in MB. They were playing with LA Guns (not a single original member, I think ...) and WASP. Overall, it was a kick-ass show.

    Pearcy was, in spite of what the band members may say, really the essence of Ratt. He was the vocalist and the personality of the band, and on his own, it looked and sounded like Ratt did - except a 20 years older version of the band.

    But it was nice to finally figure out how they got Milton Berle to be in their breakthrough "Round and Round" video.

  2. Yep. The rumor ws always that Uncle Miltie was Pearcy's uncle, but seeing their manager, there is no doubt whose Uncle Miltie was!

  3. Let me make a comment about VH-1 right quick. I remember growing up seemed as if MTV was way cooler than VH-1 was. But now..with the shows, and all the music video topic hours, and etc. ,I don't even turn it to MTV at all anymore.

  4. Back in the 80's, I wouldn't be caught dead watching MTV. I\Back then, it was all videos, then Most Wanted w/ Adam Curry, then Remote Control.

    Yes, the first sign that you're an adult is switching to VH-1............The second sign is becoming a Republican! As the saying goes, "If you're not a Liberal when you're young you don't have heart, and if you're still a liberal when you're older you don't have a brain."

  5. The 80s was the only time that MTV didn't suck royally. Ya know ... MUSIC ... television?!?

    It's a far cry from where it started, and so little has anything to do with music anymore.

    If I tune into MTV, what I want to see is MUSIC. Preferably some kick-ass rock and roll, but at least music. I don't want to see NON-reality shows, dance events at some beach that look one degree removed from Girls gone Wild or any of that nonsense.

    When are we going to bring back some hard-ass, butt-kicking, in-your-face, rock and roll?

    I swear, the communists must really be taking over this country, starting with the music scene.

  6. Earl may be onto something... The onslaught of Heavy Metal may have been the demise of Communism. Since it has waned a bit, we now may be subject ot it's re-emergence. The only answer is to hit the streets again and rock!

  7. There are some bands that burn like we used to, they're just harder to find on the radio. XM's Boneyard and Sirius has a couple good ones. Unless I want to pay, my best option in Florence is KZQ in Myrtle Beach or Rock 98 in Chas.

  8. i have sirius. great service. i recommend it highly. hair nation 23 and hard attack 19 are the really kick-ass hard-rockin' stations.

  9. I couldn't remember the names of the stations. Yes, Sirius has it all over XM, especially rock stations. If you live in Florence, Sirius is a must have for rock fans - unless you like the 5 classic rock stations here! Enough Doobie Bros. & .38 Special !

  10. This is why I watch the Tube and VH1 Classic... they actually play.... MUSIC!!

    (well,... y'know... when I'm not watching 24 or FoxNews...)

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

  12. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
