Thursday, May 25, 2006

So your Power Is Cut Off for Being One Cent Short?? That'll Win You a Milton...

This week's Milton Waddams Award goes to Jacqueline Williams of Flint, Michigan. Williams , 41, had run up her Utility Bill to the tune of $1662.00 over the harsh Michigan winter this year. Well, naturally, the power company wanted to get paid, so Ms. Williams scrambled to get the money from where ever she could.

Being on Social Security, she was unable to pay the bill on her own, so she got some money from the Dept of Human Services, The Salvation Army, and the Utility Company wrote off $430 of it also. This left her with a balance of One Cent. So what did the power company do? Cut off her electricity!! For seven hours, Ms. Williams had the lights cut off until she paid the remaining penny.

Now, I'll skip the fact that of a $1662 power bill, she didn't personally pay any of it, and that she is on Social Security. We all know that something isn't kosher in the Wolverine State ( or is it Welfare-ine State?). Consumers Electric really wasn't very neighborly to her. If someone managed to get all but one cent of what they owed me, I'd worry about that penny later..........

Yes, Jacqueline Williams has truly been stepped on by "The Man" - Consumers Electric in this case. Normally, we'd send the Red Swingline stapler to her, but instead, we're gonna break it up and send pieces to The Dept of Human Services, The Salvation Army, and her.

Have a Nice Weekend, and don't forget the Cover Letters on those TPS Reports!!

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