Monday, June 12, 2006

The Courting of Minorities by the GOP: A No-Win Situation ??

Another Lee Bandy article, another time I get mad... Only this time, I'm not upset with Lee. His article in The State about Mark Sanford's effort to acquire the black vote in South Carolina was pretty fair and straight to the point, but a couple quotes really ticked me off.

One of the pundits was Willie Legette, a political science professor at SC State, who questioned Sanford's efforts to court African -Americans. Legette's theory? Sanford is not actually trying to draw blacks to the thought that less government and taxes is a good thing, but that he is solely trying to appease white moderates in the GOP from feeling that they are part of a racist group. All I can say is how stupid are you, Willie?

Actually, I didn't know that since I'm a Republican, I'm a racist. Thanks for clearing that up... I don't know what they are eating or drinking or smoking down there in O'burg, but the racism that spews out of some of the faculty from that school makes me sick. If you are planning on attending a minority college in SC, take my advice: Go to Claflin. The faculty is better. I've met probably 50 graduates there, and I amazed how much smarter they are than State grads, and they don't seem to hate white people . From now, I'm changing the name to S.C Hate.

The thought that African-Americans can only be and will always be Democrats is an arcane idea. As they progress up the corporate ladder, all minorities will have a change of priorities. Concerns of welfare give way to lower taxes, education and personal freedoms. It is a natural course. I invite everyone to seriously look at what is important in their lives, and see how the Republican Party stacks up against it. Many African-Americans are doing that, and it scares the crap out of the Democrats.

And to Dick Harpootlian: Maybe if you understood demographics and advertising better, you would have won back in the 90's. :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    No wonder in my mind that the Bandysnatch also decries Mason Weaver's The Rope and It's OK To Leave The Plantation as heresies. Never mind that Weaver was a Berkeley (California University, not SC County) radical in the 60's or that he's of a more ebon hue than either Bandy, thee or me. Slowly, again, some of the black voters are discovering that "Ye shall know the truth and it shall set you free."

    The same way the early, uncorrupted by the seductive call of power, civil rights movement used Gandhi's approach to non-violent civil disobedience to demand, simply, their constitutional rights, more modern black voters are seeing past the wool pulled over the eyes of the blocks of those that whored their votes for chicken dinners, fifths of Jack, nickle bags or straight ol' green Andy Jacksons after they got their (possibly complicitous) Palmetto Projekt "I voted" stickers.

    Pick up a recent Charleston Chronicle and see how well served the plantations voters are by "affordable housing" jumping past the reach of the low income residents, albeit managed in Charleston by the Democrat Bonaparte of Broad Street. I can reflect on one high Charleston AME/NAACP mouthpiece's observation that the Democrats and Republicans were both snakes, one quiet and embracing, the other (Republican) venomous and noisy. He endorsed resting within the coils of the boa.

    Considering that the postbellum history of SC is one of wholesale discrimination against Africans behind the benevolent mask of the donkey's party, I can understand the selective myopia of Bandy and Legette.

    And as for a minority college in SC, til the ACLU subterfuge forced women in, I'd have suggested the Citadel...
