Saturday, June 24, 2006

SC6 Movie Review....... Click.

Yesterday, I finally got out to the movies again.. I think the last time I saw a movie in a theater was back in 2004, when I saw "The Notebook" on a blind date. I wasn't planning to go see anything in particular, it was just time to go to the movies..

Well, I watched "Click ", with Adam Sandler and the absolutely luscious Kate Beckinsale. It's a bit of a modern "Its a Wonderful Life", where the basic theme is be careful what you wish for.. Sandler is a mid-level guy at an architecture firm in Manhattan. He works too hard, doesn't have enough time for his kids or his wife ( did I mention Kate Beckinsale is HOT?). Sandler's life is such a mess, he can't even get his remote controls straight.

Adam goes to the Bed, Bath and Beyond and ends up in the back room where he gets a new remote from Christopher Walken ( whom I do a great imitation of). The trick of it is it's a learning remote, so it will start automatically making decisions for him, based on the situation. At work Sandler gets a promise for a promtion by his boss (David Hasselhoff), but he gets screwed out of it. Well, Sandler decides to fast forward to when he gets promoted, and from there, all hell breaks loose. Walken turns out to be the Angel of Death (Nancy Pelosi), and of course, Sandler has to learn some hard lessons - but is it too late?? I won't ruin everything for you.

Overall, it was pretty good, but Sandler is still trying to pull a Jim Carrey and show his acting chops. The middle of the movie gets a little choppy, but it's still worth the admission. That and Kate Beckinsale looks AWESOME in the film... The surrounding cast was probably better than Sandler was (even the kids were great), but it's not a dud......... Now Billy Madison, there's a movie that stunk!!

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