Thursday, June 01, 2006

South Carolina Scores #40 in Driver Aptitude... Is This Inez's or Gov. Sanford's Fault???

It seems like every month, some stat comes out that causes some of us bloggers to lay blame on some politician ( you know who you are....). Well, I read one this week, and maybe some of you guys could tell me who's fault this one is.

GMAC Insurance conducted a nationwide test of their insureds, essentially making them take the written part of the driver's exam - the one we all sweat over in high school. Keeping true to form that we here in the Palmetto State don't hold much creedence in tests, South Carolina placed Number 40, tied with Florida. Oregon was Number 1. Generally, Northwestern States did best, and Northeasern States were worst ( Congratulations, Rhode Island!).

Since we like to personally blame politicians for our shortcomings (like Jeff Davis), whose fault is it? We could blame Inez.... After all, if we were better educated, we'd score higher. However, maybe we could blame Gov. Sanford.....I mean, if we kept those DMV lines nice and slow, we'd have more time to study!!

Any thoughts?


  1. This is a funny piece but very interesting as well. If you had to blame it on a politician, gotta say the spt. of education.
    This is one time I acutally will not blame it on Mark Sanford.

  2. Anonymous10:33 PM

    how bout andre :) :) :) :)

  3. Good point. I watched the debate on ETV this weekend.. I think Andre is going to be a different person - he doesn't seem to be the same guy I've met the past 2 years. Things like this do tend to change people.
