Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Today's Quote: On Andre Bauer , As Told in "The Terminator"

Kyle Reese: Listen! And understand. That Terminator (Candidate) is out there! It can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with! It doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop. EVER! Until you(r campaign) is dead!

Andre's coming back from a 20,000 vote deficit in 2 wks on a bum foot is pretty legendary. Running against Andre is beginning to look like the 1993 Phillies bullpen - no lead is safe.

Please tell me that Kyle Reese is no relation to Michael... I see it now........ " I am time traveller , sent from the 1970's to save liberalism from extinction!!" Just kidding, Michael.

Robert Barber....... ENTER THE PIT!!


  1. So we're talking about the Cyberdyne Systems Model Andre2006, right?

    Well, to all those who wrote Andre off, the Terminator had one thing to say ... "ah'll be back!".

    Oh, there's another thing he has to say to those critics, but I can't share that quote on this blog!

  2. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Did I hear or did I imagine someone say that Rick Quinn said Andre was burned toast. If so go to click photos open photo album and see Earl telling Rick with Mike looking on about the Cyberdyne Systems Model Andre2006 a picture is worth a thousand words

  3. What was I telling him? Heck, I thought I was talking to Rick about his race that evening.

    Maybe not. Maybe I was telling him that other famous Terminator line ... something that sounds sort of like ... hhhmmm ... ahhhhh ... let's try "thank you, knothole" ... ?

    Seriously, I've made my opinion of Rick pretty clear. I admire and respect him a lot more for how hard he worked, as well as how he stepped aside in the runoff.

  4. Mike, Good/funny stuff as usual. I didn't start keeping up with politics till 03-04, so considering that, this is by far the biggest upset/change of events that I've seen in a race before!

    My dad told me last week not to ride Andre off just yet and yada yada yada but I honestly didn't think Andre would receive more than 40%! congratulations to him and his campaign, they worked hard!

  5. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Following this vein, Adam Piper's sour grapes rant was published by Pravda in the shadow of Williams Brice.

    Gotta drop back to paraphrase a line from "The Godfather" (referring to a "hit") "...its business, nothing personal..." I think that both Earl and I have seen a few that have taken the politics personally and have pushed themselves off into the cesspool. As long as they draw breath, there is hope for them, but that is their choice.

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM


    Leave Adam Piper out of this or he may get nervous and by accident spit on you or something worse. You may even start understanding him. Adam and Mike did work hard for a long time. I know them both like them both but don't mess with Andre.

  7. I can empathize with Adam.. When I lost 2 years ago in the Primary, I thought the Dems voted on our side to get the guy they'd rather have face Clyburn. It even ended up in a few newspapers, and trust me, what Adam wrote was tame compared to the crap I spit out. I finally figured out that you need more than 13K to run a Congressional campaign in 15 counties. I'm sure adam and Mike think they busted their tails off, but there are tricks to "working smarter".
