Saturday, July 15, 2006

New Blog: Hockey and Ecuador......

I'm going to start a new blog soon..... I'm calling it Hockey in Ecuador, and it'll be all about the Great Sport on Ice, and those who play it in Ecuador. We'll probably also include skiing and Curling...

You're probably wondering, "Isn't a Blog like that limited in scope?" Well, sure it is, but not much less than blogging on Democrats in South Carolina.... Perhaps we could chat about other endangered species such as Loggerheads or Condors. Okay, Democrats are not an endangered species!!

A quick tip. If all you really want to do is rag on Joe Wilson, maybe your title should be "Joe Wilson Sucks" or "Joe Wilson: Pinocchio to GOP's Gipetto". Use them with my compliments. I don't claim to be an authority on blogging, but there is a good reason fishermen stopped using spears a few centuries ago, and started using nets. If all you have to say is "Joe Wilson is a puppet without a brain" WE'RE gonna get bored real fast......

I've made a small name harassing Jim Clyburn, but if that's all I did, my one-trick pony show would've died a while back. Sure, Joe isn't a great public speaker (neither is Clyburn - the word is BREAKFAST, Jimmy), but there are more important things. Maybe if you had 11 people who went to your school die on 9/11, you'd appreciate why we are there a little more.


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I had to wait all the way to the end for the 9-11 reference. Knowing this was a Republican blog, I kept asking "When's it coming? When's it coming?"

    I assume this was a shot at
    Unwarranted, as far as I can tell. So far he's done one entry on Joe Wilson, and a lot of insightful, intelligent stuff. Given all the worthy targets, left and right, I'm a bit surprised you took aim at him.

  2. Of course it was coming! From what I saw, there were three posts, and two were about Wilson.

    Just making a critique that , right or wrong, all Joe and little else will make for a dull blog.

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    You are of course talking about the State Department doofus Joe Wilson that either was incompetent in investigating Niger's yellow cake uranium deals with Iraq or a liar in his report and subsequent public dissing of Bush and the Iraq war, after his joining the Kerry campaign as a paid staffer.

    That would be death for a blog to be so one tracked, though I daresay Mike Nifong in Durham, NC probalby has earned such a blog.

  4. Anonymous11:13 PM

    I also noticed its initials offer us DITS(y)... do I detect that Epimethius resideth not there?
