Thursday, July 20, 2006

President Bush Speaks to the NAACP, and All He Got Was a Milton....

Newk - U- lar ..

After 6 years as president, Georgthere was no hope e Bush finally spoke to the NAACP today. Some ask what took him so long, while others wonder why he'd ever speak to them. Either way, Bushie came out and tried to bridge the gap, and make some friends - but it fell pretty flat.

It was nice press, but trying to attract support from the NAACP is an exercise in futility. They try to say otherwise, but the NAACP is mostly an extension of the Democratic Party. Maybe on a smaller or more local level, the GOP can attract the African-American vote, but nationally, a lot of people make their living on the guarantee that they can deliver votes to the Dems. The best long-term hope for the GOP is to slowly attract African-Americans as they move upward and reach the American Dream.

The best part of Bush's speech was how he tried to almost preach - to the choir. I don't know what it is , but get a politician in front of a group of African-Americans, and they suddenly get the funk out! It was a lot like a Gary McLeod speech - lots of history - but Gary doesn't apologize like Bush did.

It was a nice effort, but I doubt anything will come of it. As a consolation, President Bush will receive his Red Swingline stapler - if the Secret Service lets him have it...


  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I read about half of the speech online at SCGOP. Maybe it was to do with being in New Orleans all week but I did not finish it. Seems he was trying to please Jessie with some remarks and Mr. Bond with others. Like those two have ever said anything nice about him. In fact Mr. Bond said once he knew the President was in the oil business but he did not know it was snake oil at last years convention. I agree the GOP should not court the NAACP but should court the black voters. I also believe the GOP should not be all inclusive like the late Mr. Atwater wanted but we need common thread. If we were all inclusive then why have a party. That is one of my problems with Lindsey. I want to be in a mostly conservative party that believes in God and country with a strong military and a lot of state rights and personal freedoms and personal choices and one that is high on morals yes in the Christain sense and a party that believes in the right of the unborn. We can not be all inclusive and as long as the NAACP backs the Democrats and it is a farce to believe any other way then I do not want them in my party.

  2. Yes, gaining the AA vote will not be a single watershed event, but a slow , progressive process. Twenty years from now, I think people will wonder when the tide turned, and it will be somewhere between now and then. I doubt a majority will ever go GOP, but the days of AA block voting for the Dems will occur someday.

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I think you'll find elsewhere that W held back a bit, but the Dems are beginning to recognize the fact that anyone of faith must question some of their platform planks that are in the name of inclusiveness. Embracing homosexuality and abortion are beginning to become questions that the NAACP's claimed constituency are starting to have trouble resolving with Christianity and Islam. The further question of the NAACP's relevance is surfacing, in as much as without new racial issues they are becoming as trite and trivial as Teddy Kennedy. They are no longer really news and the Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons are beginning to show their feet of base metal as publicity hounds more than servants and corruption and collusion on their parts are acquiescently acknowleged with a knowing glint in eyes that are more disgusted with that form of "leadership".

    I'll grant, Gary doesn't apologize like W. For all his years Gary has been hardened like a Roman legionary and is to the point. You probably agree with him more than not, but in the differences in positions and polish, is an irritation that an oyster makes a pearl... perhaps that may be a challenge for the SC 6th with Gary, to make that pearl part of Reagan's "Shining City on the Hill".

    I guess homilies are catching, I have my own Black Swingline, though if a Garnet model is available, I would like to thank the academy... ;-)

  4. I just noticed the typos in the first sentence, and even I don't know what I was trying to say!! Sorry!

  5. Anonymous3:10 PM



  6. Anonymous11:11 PM

    For the life of me I still can't figure out how he won the last election considering the way his approval numbers are! Were they that much better two years ago? What if the elections were being held this year? I would almost rather have Jimmy Carter back in office!

  7. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Bobby are you sick or were you not around during the Jimmy Carter era.

  8. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Not everyone's going to get your red swingline staple joke. Not everyone has seen the movie Office Space. However, even in this context, I don't get what you're trying to say, either.
