Monday, July 10, 2006

Sirius Satellite: The Cure for Stinky Florence Radio........

I got to enjoy one of my birthday gifts today - my Sirius Satellite radio. If you live in a major city, or even Charleston or Columbia you may not need it. However, in the musical wasteland of Florence, Sirius is a Godsend.....

Let's review the local stations: WJMX 103.3 is your soulless Top 40 station - with too much Rap. Then you have about 5 Classic Rock stations - 102.1 Fox, 102.9 The Point(less), Wave 104.1, Bad Dog 94.7, etc. ....

All I ever listened to were 101.7 KZQ in Myrtle Beach, and 970 JMX-AM for Limbaugh and Hannity. Too many commercials, and I can only hear Gnarlz Barkley so many times!! But now, I am FREE!!

I'm not kidding.... I can't go more than 30 seconds without finding something worth listening to. My favorites are Hair Nation, Octane, 80's hits, and of course, Howard 100 and 101 - although he has commercials on his show - thumbs down.

If you live anywhere in rural South Carolina, get Sirius. You'll be glad you spent the 12.95, and $6.00 more for each additional unit. I'll get back to politics soon, but keep an eye out for my 200th Post Super Retrospective Edition!


  1. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Now you can find Gordon Liddy, Laura Ingraham and Jerry Doyle if you're so inclined.

  2. You are preaching to the choir today! I live up here in Sptg., and trust me, the music up here stinks. We have ESPN 1400AM up here now thank goodness, of course we just got that a few months ago, but I purchased a SIRIUS back in Sept. last year, best thing I've ever purchased. I also bought a lot of shares of SIRI stock, we'll see how it works out for me

  3. The stock is iffy from everyone I've heard from. Lots of front money, and some of Stern's followers are cancelling, so it may never really explode. My buddy told me about XM 5 yrs. ago, when it was a penny stock, and neither of us made a move on it.

  4. XM or stock name XMSR - it started out $4 or so, back in Sept. 2005, it was around $35.00 now its around $14.00. I bought my SIRI at $6.40 in Sept. 05, since then I have seen it up to $9 to as low as $4. Right now its sitting betwene the $4-$5 range. Hopefully years to come, both of these will work out, I hope.

  5. XM will be in bigger trouble long term. They have an account with GM, but overall, their membership is smaller than Sirius', and honestly, their programming sucks compared to Sirius.

  6. Anonymous9:24 PM

    You mean you do not listen to John Boy and Billy. 102.1

  7. It's on my 15 yr old clock radio every morning, but only because that's the only station it gets. OO-AA OO-AA OO-AA !!

  8. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I'd let you have my Enron shares, but we dumped them last year.

  9. I've been on Sirius for over a year now ... and love it!

    I also plugged this on my blog at least once or twice. Always nice to see others following my lead.

  10. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I listen mostly to language cd;s. Can you get that on your pay to listen radio. Serious I do not know. Can I learn say spanish on it or another language. I mean other than listening to that type of music or show.

  11. I just conferred with my resident Sirius expert, and he says no. All you can do is listen to Spanish or Korean radio channels. Buenos Dias'.

  12. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Commercial radio has been on a downward spiral since radio was deregulated in the 80s.
    The homogenization of radio, basically just four or five different formats from four or five big radio companies, has made it so boring that no one wants to listen.

    I don't even like sat radio that much...prefer my iPod. That way, if I want to hear Wynton Marsalis one minute and Mofro the next, I can.

    Radio sucks, just ask anyone who worked in it before and after deregulation.
