Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Campaign 2008, The Battle of the New Yorkers: Pataki vs. Giuliani .....

Many of the prospective Presidential candidates for 2008 have been visiting our great state lately. This month, two of them have made time, leaving the Empire State to enjoy our beautifully hot and opressive summer. New York Gov. George Pataki and Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani are touring the Palmetto State, raising money and making contacts for 2008. Many voters here don't know much about either of them, so I'll drop my two cents in to try and help you out....

Back in 1994, Mario Cuomo was running for his fourth term as Governor, and everyone had just about had enough. The state Legislature was trying to enact the death penalty for about the 12th straight year, and Cuomo singlehandedly vetoed it every time. Taxes were taking a front stage on everyone's minds, and tuition costs just doubled overnight. Almost everyone wanted Cuomo gone, but who would run against him?

George Pataki had no name recognition, and he wasn't a big city politician, but aided by the ABC (Anybody but Cuomo) vote, and a well publicized endorsement from Shock-Jock, Howard Stern , Pataki stunned everyone and beat Cuomo. Gov. Sanford, please take note of that.... Pataki is like Sanford in a few ways: He is not a fantastic speaker, he is relatively quiet and unassuming. You genuinely feel that Pataki is a decent guy , trying to do a good job. However, Pataki differs from Sanford in that he is more of a compromiser, he's more liberal socially, and he will spend more in a month than Sanford will in a year...... He seems to be kicking around the idea of a 2008 bid right now, and that isn't a good idea. If Pataki is really running in '08, he needs to start raising cash now, and help out some people in '06.

Rudy Giuliani....... When I was young, I didn't like Rudy. Back in the 80's, when he was fighting the Mafia with the Attorney General's Office, I thought he was arrogant and overly ambitious. In short, I thought he was bit of an A-hole.... But 20 years changes people a lot.

I liked Ed Koch when he was Mayor - he was liberal, but he didn't take any crap. Well, Koch was gone , and David Dinkins was at the helm, playing Tennis and providing leadership that lacked, well...Leadership. Think of Ray Nagin, just older. Rudy Giuliani was just what the doctor ordered. He cleaned up Times Square, and made New York a great place to visit again. Crime wasn't tolerated (Maybe with some mistakes and criticism), but he made New York stand tall once again. Then came 9/11....

Did anyone, President Bush included, instill confidence more than Giuliani on 9/11? I don't think so. He went straight to Ground Zero, rolled up his sleeves and kept us all informed, without sugarcoating it.. Yes, he is a social liberal, and I wish he had more experience in International Affairs , but most Governors have no experience in it either. What Rudy has been doing is building a team, and raising cash for himself and his supporters. He is definitely in it in 2008 more than Pataki is at this point.

I like both Pataki and Giuliani, but Rudy just has more guts.. The President doesn't necessarily have to be a nice guy - he needs to make the tough decisions. he needs to inject change. New York City is a completely different place , while New York State still has alot of the same problems as 10 years ago. My mind isn't made up, but Giuliani is near the top of my list.


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Rudy is at the top of my list right now. At the June Clarendon GOP meeting we had a extensive Presidential straw poll as you may remember. Go to our website to see results the only person to beat Rudy was Lindsey Graham and Mark Sanford the favorite sons. I would love to see Rudy at the top of the ticket with Lindsey as his running mate. This way we could elect a new Senator from SC.

  2. I'm not sure we'll have a Giuliani/Graham ticket. Lindsey is tied to John McCain's ship, and I'm not sure he's interested in the Veep job.

    Also, Senators are a very concited lot. Lindsey would have to swallow a ton of pride to take a lower slot to a former mayor. I don't see him doing it. If T-Rav wins in November, the Graham/Ravenel race is on. If he loses, the job is Lindsey's for another 6 years.

  3. So far I don't have a list. Haven't seen anyone I like yet, especially the McCain/Graham ticket. Neither will get my vote. Therefore, the Republican party better come up with someone better than those mentioned...

  4. I'm not very proactive on these things myself - I'll usually wait and see how it plays out. George Allen seems like a Reagan Conservative to the bone, but I don't know if he has the juice to get there. Plenty of time ! Thanks for posting...

  5. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Gotta check out their RTKBA positions. Extrapolating what I know, George Allen is closer to the top of my list, alas Alan Keyes isn't running, ditto Bob Smith, whose staying the course I admire.

    About eight years ago teh seantor from Arizona went native after he got my vote and carried CD 1. I continue to await a satisfactory explanation.
