Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fresh off a $4 Million Tax Hike, Florence Co. SD1 Reveals They Have a $6M Surplus.... When Do We Get the Money Back??

Taxpayers in Florence County were dealt another slap in the face when the board of Trustees for Florence School District 1 were informed that they had a surplus in excess of $6 million this year. This news comes on the heels of Florence County Council raising fees and millages to it's citizens by over $4 Million to make up for it's budget shortfall.... This raises the obvious question: Why can't the County gets it's money back, or take it from the upcoming budget?

Now, you might be wondering if this is a first time occurance. The answer is no. In fact, SD1 has over $36M sitting in escrow, which is about twice the amount recommended by the County Treasurer. The District has already allocated spending $3.4 of the overage - no surprise there. So what about the remaining moolah? Here's a novel idea: Give it back to the taxpayers.

Before you think that I'm just picking on the School Board because they have the cash, here's a little math to justify the request. The School District gets about 75% of the Annual Budget for Florence County. Since the County is $4M short, then 75% of that would be $3M. Let them have the $400,000 extra as a bonus for not spending, and call it even. Of course, that will NEVER happen, because we have a fundamental gap between the County and the Board of Trustees here.

While most of the county works to squeeze every penny, the School Board seems to be an advocate position to milk cash for the District . As the tax increase was being discussed, the School Board was busy authorizing over $800,000 in pay increases, including bonuses for new hires. This then left County Council the enviable job of choosing between tax increases and layoffs. It wasn't a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing - it was the left hand knew, but it didn't give a damn.....

Why should voters care? Two reasons. First it's YOU'RE MONEY, not theirs. Secondly, it can get worse. My opponent was on the School Board, and is still employed by School District One. If you can't see the hypocrisy of approving budgets of the department that you directly work for, you might be blind. Then again, we let Builders and Real Estate Agents on the Zoning Board. County Council needs to be made of citizens with no ties to the money, not a council full of conflicts of interest.

Now, don't read this and think that your school district isn't pulling a similar stunt. Wor dis that 20 School Districts across the state have jacked up millages also. Why? The Tax Reform is scary the heck out of them. Yes, we all fear change, and the shift from Property Taxes to Sales Tax funding has left a giant unknown for schools. Sure, it may not be real, but it's the perception that they might fall short that has bureaucrats scared. Florence may be the first case of a glut of cash, but my guess is that it's silently going on statewide..... A nice rainy day fund.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Nobody expects the spanish inquisition,

    Mike, one point, you're a Yankee and the Florence county skule bored don't care how ya'll did back nawth.

    Second, okay two points, you're a Yankee, the FCSB don't have to hold an inquisition to find out who failed to quash your ability to pay attention and ask disturbing questions.

    Third, drat three points, your eyes haven't glazed over when asailed with the hopefully placating mantra, "it's for the children" (oaky you know that the board's eventuazl debt will be left to them) or in expalanation of the mysterious budgetary numbers that they "were derived from principles of the mean value theorem of calculus...." you must be an extra-terrestrial or an intolerant hate filled Republican.

    Fourth, you've consorted with Earl Capps! You must be some apostate corrupted degenerate (in the eyes of an enlightened group owning the education plantation).

    All of which seem like edification and approving endorsement of your qualifications to me, keep up the good work!

    PS as it appears that The Florence Morning Newts don't care to follow this in depth, is reporting the news another job that "americans" won't do?

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    This is why we should privatize the entire school system in SC. Run it like a business. Anything is better than what we have. Yes I did consider myself a Libertarian at one time. Just like when I was 18 and in college I considered myself a liberal democrat. Thank goodness I grew up to be a conservative republican with libertarian leaning views on some issues. When you get elected up their in Florence straighten them dudes out.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    But Moye, there's too much money in the education scam, er business to let that go through a system that is subject to audit and expected to produce valid results lest it lose the contracts.

    Even more embarassing if privatization or out-sourcing would provide significant improvement, more than a single percent increase in ACT scores or a similar increase of less than a margin of error in the SAT socres.

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Just another reason why SC schools are so f'd up! Another reason...maybe the fact that during my senior year in Summerville I was asked to read the same book I had read in 7th grade in Virginia Beach. Wow, what a challenging curriculum. When are the people of this state going to pull their heads out of their collective asses and demand some positive changes. Not only with the schools, but in every aspect of life. Oh, wait a second, I forgot...people here area afraid of change, which is why I am planning my escape from this state. I would never want to place my child in the schools here. Anyone remember Coach Barnes from Clemson...anyone, anyone??? He slammed the public school system of this state and listed it as one of his reasons for leaving Clemson for the job in Texas. He didn't want his kids in SC public schools either. Appears he was right on target. South Carolina constantly ranks in the bottom 10 of nearly every category out there. Time to wake up you rednecks...the Civil War is over, you can move onward and upward now!

  5. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Bobby am I glad you are leaving thank you so much.

  6. I hate to see my friends argue.. Moye, I think Bobby was criticizing the public school system, not Clemson.

    Bobby, Moye bleeds Clemson Orange - careful...

    Rhino, you kill me! Yep, been to a lot places, and I've seen it done right and wrong. The mistake being made is that FCSD1 thinks that increasing funds will automatically improve education. What needs to be done is to improve the culture and focus on education, rather than expecting schools to do it alone.

  7. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Mike, they aren't about improving it, they're about, from all outward apperances, making a little on the margins for themselves as part of the full employment program for education degrees...

  8. Anonymous11:38 PM


    While I try not to get personal and believe me I did think Rick Barnes was a good coach but misdirected in the fact he also said he thought that the conference he was going to was a much better basketball conference than the ACC. Better than Duke, UNC, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech etc. Not so. More money for him you can believe that. Also the public school system around Clemson, Anderson and Greenville is pretty good. I for one really believe the public schools in SC should be privatized. I am a product of the public school system but also a product of a segregated school system. Now you know my age. My son in law graduated from high school in Virginia Beach. A public school he also graduated from Clemson with a BS Ceramic Engineering then attended UAB then got a Masters from NC State as a Mechanical Engineer. Keep following me ok. My Twins are a product of the SC Public School system in all places Williamsburg county. My daughter graduated number one in her class and earned a full scholarship to Clemson. My son was lucky to graduate. My daughter went on to earn two degrees at Clemson and was Magna Cum Laude she also went to MUSC in Charleston and earned a degree and did her intern in Birmingham and Raleigh and other work in New Orleans and West Virginia. My son got his first degree from Tech in Busines then a Banking degree in Atlanta then a BS from Coastal Carolina. At 32 he finally quit going to school but it may be temporary as he now is thinking of going back. So while you and I agree the school system in SC sucks it is also left up to the student and parents to make the best of it. Another thing in your comment was about the place I love on this earth more than any other and I have been to a few is my native SC. While I am a big supporter of States Rights I really get tired of people trying to put us and the South down in general. We live in the best area of this country. While I am not a supporter of what happened in the civil war maybe people like you should realize that we know the war of northern aggression is over and that the other side won. If ever reparations were to be made in this USA you need to consider the Southerners who homes were burned and women and children abused and raped by the Federal Troops. General Sherman also was a terroist and the Federal goverment should apoligize for his behavior to all the ancesters of the people that was affected by him. Also the way the south was treated after the surrender by Lee is a disgrace on this nation. As far as your redneck remark I could care less but since you and Mike are friends I just wanted you to know nothing personal my man you just keep posting as it is interesting to see all the comments on different things. One more thing at least you read something in high school I can't remember any of the books that were assignments for me to read.
