Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Okay, I'm Not Dead or Being Held Against My Will.......

Sorry for the long gap in between posts. there's been a number of reasons that I've been on hiatus.. First, I've been campaigning - like a good candidate should! Secondly, my computer ate something really bad, and I couldn't get online or download anything. Thanks to Bobby for curing my Dell's Ills..

So where have I been? Buried in a spider hole just north of Lake Marion!! Just kidding. For a great dramatization of where I was, go to Earl Capps blog - very funny! Labor Day marked the start of the final push for November, so I've been bouncing around the area , getting the message out. Want proof? Here's a pic of me and Karen Floyd at David Beasley's house..

She called me Sweetie... Karen probably just forgot my name. Michael Reese, eat your heart out!

Last Night was huge.. The Florence League of Women Voters had the bi-annual Candidates Forum. It essentially is the only debate the candidates have to make their points and to show what they really know. I think I did a pretty good job, but there's always room for improvement. Funny part is, the Morning News and Channel 13 skipped it. Guess a dozen local candidates in the same room talking about issues isn't newsworthy - unless it's their idea.

Well, now that my equipment is back and working, SC6 should be back in action! Thanks for wondering where I was, and I'll see you soon.


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Mikey, you know that Fairly Mundane Newts and the Cheech and Chong Channel won't cover anything that gives face time to anyone they aren't backing unless it is in a negative light. Maybe the news monopoly has gone to their heads.

    As to Bobby fixing your Dell... not Bobby C in O'berg?

  2. Anonymous11:49 PM

    I am at The Port of Guntersville, AL. USA will deal more tomorrow from Birmingham welcome back.

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Mike, the red and white blouse is nice for your figure, but that picture makes Ms. Floyd look like a pot bellied klingon without a turtle on its head

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I think the picture looks great especially Karen our next Supt. of Ed. and future Gov. Nice to have you back Mike. I will call off the search party on Lake Marion and notify Earl also that you are alive and well. Quit upsetting your supporters with all the rumors. Gary will have to get a prescription because of all the excitement.

  5. Ok Sniper, i'll give you the pot belly, but Klingon?? That's one I've never heard before. About the only Klingon trait I have is the temper! Thanks for joining the party.

  6. Anonymous10:50 PM

    mike, I can see from Trek The Old Series, based on the 'stache and goatee, the slight Klingon appearance... now if you had the turtle on your head and a glass of prune juice... ;-)

  7. Mike,
    Without a doubt, she looks pretty good in that picture, you da man!

  8. Anonymous9:09 PM

    You are welcome Michael. Glad to see you back. Now you can read my lates rant on your 9/27 blog.

  9. Okay, so Worf and I apparently come from the same gene pool..

  10. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Yeah Bobby, the Columbia City Paper is looking for another GOP pseudo scandal.
