Monday, October 30, 2006

All Quiet on the SC Democratic Party Front

"Sorry Folks, the Party's closed..... The Jackass outside should've told ya. NYUK, NYUK, NYUK!!"

- Marty Moose, in National Lampoon's Vacation.

Trolling through the SC political blogosphere, I've begun to notice something. The left leaners among us are noticeably absent lately. Don't believe me, take a quick gander, and here's what you'll find:

LaurinLine: The literal Queen of the Blogs, is spending the last weeks of Election Season making improvements to her website. I like the changes already. What once was a blog that you only had an inkling that leaned left, has gotten angry and partisan.

Devinely Southern: Frank? Frank?? FRANK!!!???? The Two peas in a pod post is now two weeks old. I think Frank got stuck in DC, and didn't realize that the Capitol shuts the power off when they leave.

Dems in the South: On hiatus to help Robert Barber. DITS ha spent the past month sweeping up the ashes of Barber's restaurant, and making attack ads on Andre Bauer. Note to staff: make at least one positive ad FIRST before you go negative. It's like making your first single a ballad - you end up looking fruity.

Crack the Bell: Tim is still working , but the bent has gone a bit more National, the only recent post being that Mark Sanford's approval rating might not be correct.... but Tommy Moore is a builder, a product of public skoo's, from a mill town, and........... aw, forget it!

Not Very Bright: NVB is as consistent a blogger as I've seen, and he makes some compelling arguments, but his last post was a few days ago, on a trip to Alaska. I guess Michael Ray Ellisor's numbers are about as good as Gary McLeod's, and not meriting time to hit on Joe Wilson.

Exception: Politics Rocks. Ah, young Michael is coming fast and furious, even if the posts look like this.... Oct.29: KAREN Oct30: FLOYD Oct 31: SUCKS!!


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Nice Moose. While I have read them all you mentioned the left side that is. Also a lot from the RIGHT side. Some of these will one day on the left grow up maybe. When you are young you need to be a little liberal for sure. Been awhile since I posted a comment on one of them since I always have someone come at me in a very rude and immature way. Especially on Politic Rocks or whatever that site is. I know the young man is a friend of yours and know about his daddy but his is a blog of desperation. Anytime a person brags about buying up names on the internet such as Karen Floyd for Governor etc. You talk about a loser. The Democrats have always tried to scare the public and especially those most vunerable the poor the old the less fortunate in our society the uneducated and the bums. The list goes on. Why do you think the Dems want the education to stay the same. If people got a education then they can think and most people that can think and interpret what is going on will not cast votes for the Dems. Yes we do have a few Clemson Democrats but I assure you only a few and those are young kind of like your buddy.

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM

    moye, remember that before he matured, Strom was a Clemson Democrat, so was David Beasley...

    John Graham Altman was a USC Democrat and Laurin Manning still is.

    The point? Another liberal tabloid.

    My point, who knows, I reserve the right to ramble without apparent purpose, though some may find a Socratic primrose path.

    In that vein, a curiosu aspect of John Kerry's last little "joke" his GPA at Yale was lower than George Bush's, is it any wonder that he's stuck on stupid?

  3. Politics Rocks isn't a blog of desperation moye. If you have listened to Jim Rex at all you would know the democrats don't want education to stay the same. What I don't want is a voucher program (which hasn't worked in a state yet) and a Super who has no education experience. Floyd is from Spartanburg, just like me, and I think we are a little embarrassed that she represents us. As far as the domain names buying, we all know that this is just a stepping-stone for her. Michael just beat her campaign to the punch. Have a good one.

  4. Jcallaway,
    I appreciate you standing up for me and Jim Rex, but don't let Moye get to you. He's just one of the many dillusional Karen Floyd supporters out there, kind of reminds me of all the delusional michael jackson fans.

  5. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Ahh yes, when are you folks bringing John Kerry back to rouse the crowds with his hatred for teh US military and express his high esteem for our troops? Tommy Moore and Jim Rex's poll numbers are tanking!

  6. Anonymous7:52 PM

    michael reese you can call me anything but I beg of you do not accuse me of being a michael jackson fan.

  7. Michael, you might owe Moye an apology..... Equating him equal to a Michael Jackson fan is a LOW BLOW !!

  8. You threw a stone first, I just threw one right back ... no apology needed

  9. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Michael just for that I hope the concert sucked.
