Friday, October 27, 2006

Clyburn vs. McLeod 2006: Same as 1994, 96, 98, 02 and 04...............

I can never get enough of this picture of Clyburn and John Kerry. It looks like Kerry is actually massaging the back of Jim's neck. No wonder Gary accused him of being against the Marriage Amendment!

That was about the only interesting exchange from what I read of their 50 millionth debate against each other. I only read coverage from The Sumter Item, and it was pretty standard fare: Clyburn with his Quality of Life issues (mostly for his alma mater and Orangeburg), and Gary referring to everything as Socialism ....... all I can say is Da, Comrade!

This is starting to be like the 5th Season of American Idol or Survivor.... Been there, done that. Nothing is more boring than watching the same train wreck for the 20th time. Here is my question: Who can the GOP recruit to run for Congress in 2008? My gut tells me that this is Clyburn's last go around. He will shoot for a Cabinet position afetr promising to "deliver" SC to someone (like he did for Kerry in 2004?). If not, he'll cash in his two pensions, and scare a few corporations into giving him a board spot.

If I'm right, the seat will be wide open, so the smart thing is to find the right person now, and get them exposure for two years. Throw out some suggestions, and NO, YOU CAN'T SAY ME!! I don't have the cash to make a serious dent. I have an idea or two, but I'll keep them to myself. Cast the net wide, and let's have out own vetting process...


  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Steve Benjamin was floated earlier this year on one of the left side of the force's blogs. He last ran against Henry McMaster and was suggested as a Clyburn successor.

    I've got to give Gary one for tenacity and another for being willing to take on John Land and allow Vince Ellison to have a shot at Mr. Clyburn. Maybe there's some young talent in the PeeDee that would take the shot at running, the best time to ID them and get thiem o the track for '08 would have been slightly after filing closed this year.

    If Charleston's Tim Scott lived in the SC6 he'd be a significant challenger.

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM


    Clyburn and Kerry look like they just shared a wet kiss to sway the gay vote...

  3. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I really did write a name in on my absentee ballot for congress. Gary has no chance to win. Clyburn is a lock and the other candidate wasted his money. I cannot vote for any of them and if you did vote for Gary it will encourage him to run again. Besides his ideas are to far out there. The guy really did tell me he was born to run for this position and the man upstairs told him so. The SCGOP especially in a year when a president is elected will never push the sixth district. This I promise. If we had a strong well financed candidate in this district then the democrats will spend a lot of money to get the vote out and when a lot of people in the sixth district shows up to vote you can bet the majority are democrats. This district was made for democrats and until that changes case closed.

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    moye, I can understand that the man upstairs told Gary to run. While he was called to run, was he told that he'd win?

    Gary could well be as one of the 12 that went out to spy the land ahead of Moses and the children of Israel.

    moye, the left has marginilized Gary as a candidate and expects it to continue to be a "safe seat" for Clyburn. Unfortunately for some of the constituents, they don't recongize the servile bondage they have accepted under his representation and prefer the comfort of being Pharoh's slaves.

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    WR I will ask Gary if he was told he will win. I know a lot of democrats that are not happy with Clyburn not the office holders. Senator McGill told me one day over in Greeleyville that Clyburn was great and he could not understand why anyone would run against this great man. We were by ourselves and I did tell him nobody could hear him. He said he was serious and I said the man is sick. Maybe the local leaders of the democratic party is also.
