Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fake News Alert: Kanye West Named UN Ambassador for North Korea....

Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il has upped the ante in his conflict with President George Bush. Kim announced that he has pulled his Ambassador from the United Nations - and replaced him with Hip-Hop star Kanye West.

" Sure, his Korean isn't so great, but the guy is a star, and he gets under Bush's skin like nobody I know - he's my dog!" quoted Il. West was slightly less enthusiastic: "I'll tell you, I don't understand a word the guy said, and my knowledge of International Diplomacy is weak. what am I supposed to say? George Bush doesn't care about........ Koreans?? But hey, the check cleared, so I gotta represent."

Premier Il was undaunted nonetheless.... "C'mon! Think of all the cool raps he can make up with my name: I'm Kim jong Illin', If Bush Be Willin', He'll get his Fillin', of Kim Jong Killin'.... Pretty Phat, don't you think?" West had no comment on Il's rapping abilities, or of any musical collaboration wiith him.

This does further heighten tensions between the US and North Korea, but Kim seemed rather flippant about his recent nuclear testing. "It wasn't REALLY a nuclear device..... those ICBM's were really two sticks of dynamite tied to a Roman Candle." And the underground detonation?? "Let's just say lighting a cigarette in an underground bathroom is a bad idea."


  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    They are both nuts but number 2 is the winner. Funny.

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Well there are things to be said for mixing the byproducts of digesting kimchee with an open flame... Kim (and I hope Kanye hasn't confused him with Lil' Kim) could have beenthe first Korean on the moon (small m moon, neither UN Secretary General designate Moon or Sun Myung Moon).

    Disaster preparedness tip, stay up wind!!!!!
