Sunday, October 01, 2006

This Man Is Why the Democrats May Never Take Back the Senate......

Wake up, Harry! I wonder what he was thinking about when this pic was taken... Please leave you thoughts in comments. If you had any doubt that Harry Reid is the wrong man to lead the Democrats, this week proved it. While the GOP is led by a W., the Dems have their own W, and that stands for WIMP.

After months of wrangling between the Bush Administration and a few GOP Senators (namely John McCain and Lindsey Graham), they finally reached a mutual pact that will address the long overdue issue of detainee treatment of terrorists. What did Harry Reid do? He whined, and he complained, all for the sake of politics.

For years, there has been an outcry from the Democratic leadership to come up with a specific plan for treating the suspected terrorists being held in Guantanamo and elsewhere. While they may like for them to be treated according to the Geneva Convention, the fact is they are not an organized nation or Republic, so they do not deserve to be treated as such. Reid's big problem is that the Supreme Court will knock it down in a few years. I'll trade that possibility for proactively attacking terrorists in the meantime. Yes, the Republicans saw November coming, got down to business and compromised. That is politics, but at least it's politics aimed towards a positive direction - defeating terrorism. Politics that hurts our security at home and abroad is defeatist and un-American.

Perhaps we would take the Democrats more seriously if they were led by someone who has some gravitas - or huevos, whichever you prefer. Dingy Harry has no force behind any of his messages, delivered in that nasaly, high pitched tone. It's bad enough to preach a message of defeatism (I mean redeployment) and concession, but at least counter that message by having a tone of strength. The Democrats were better off with Tom Daschle, or maybe Nevada can hire the guy who played the Senator in The Godfather II. Those would be a step up.

If I have learned one thing, it's that the message isn't always as important as the messenger. It's no wonder the Dems aren't raising money when they are led by Harry Milquetoast.. So here's to another couple more years of Republican majority in the Senate.


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Well Mike, this is also the Harry Reid that will maintain a demand for the Health Physics program at FMU. Health physics seems an arcane area of study until you understand that it deals with radiation protection. How's "Old Harry" (arcanely appropriate) responsible? As Senator from Las Vegas, they don't want Yucca Mountain to glow in the dark, as a result, from some dark dealings, we appear to be on line to keep lots of high level nuclear waste in the Savanah River site, close toe the New Madrid fault AND an easy route for anything that gurgles up to the surface to flow down the Savannah river to the Gulf Stream...

    Granted, I like nuclear power, it doesn't come from Venezuela or the Middle East or even cause acid rain. We do however have an old money trail from the Department of Energy to look at here. Many $80-120K jobs with DOE help keep Nevada very green, even when the gambling is down cause it costs more to drive there. Keeping Yucca Mountain from opening, despite agreements to the contrary, while rolling those big bucks in that are only supposed to go with the high level repository's opening is another place where the Feds have flinched. Right now, though saddled with the waste, SC isn't benefitting from the DOE salaries and cash flow system that nurtures the state that keeps Old Harry in office.

    It might also seem odd that a senator from SC had a few other projects, like a cancer center bearing his name, slipped into DOE's budget.

    Between the lines one might wonder if there was some collusion between the two.

    I think we know that even with a seeing eye dog the local press to too yellow and yellow dog to say a blasted thing about it ulnelss they had to.

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Hope you are right Mike about holding on to the senate. Read a article on the plane today in the paper where the Democrats are leading in 10 key states and are set to knock us out. Then the new book by what his name in DC came out also. Senator Reid if you recall Good Morning Vietnam is in dire need of a ---- --- and Howard Dean is the one to do it.

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    And now ol' Harry's busted over a $1,000,000.00 + pay off on property he hasn't owned in the last three years!!! Wooo hooo!
