Sunday, November 19, 2006

Alright, One Last Post on This Picture, Then We're Done.....

Geez.......... Nancy's got MAN HANDS !!! Look at those Meat Hooks.... Okay, we've milked this cow for all it's worth.. Pun intended. If I missed something, please let me know.


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Our survey says BAG BALM!

    Well Mike your pris is a used jar of bag balm from Gary's milking shed. It is about as useful a culture jar of N. pelosia, only not as likely to be lethal.

    moye, when Mike asks, would you explain what bag balm is used for and how it relates to the speaker?

  2. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Please do not take her away for good. We will need her in a few. Will do West Rhino.

  3. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I refuse to let her go

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Mike, a little international insight here on the hand gestures...
