Friday, December 29, 2006

Erection 2008: The Breck Girl Joins the List of Candidates With a Hard-On for the Presidency.....

Candidate John Edwards, giving the crowd the Middle Eastern sign for "Up Your Pooper"!

In a big surprise this week, former Senator John Edwards announced in New Orleans that he will seek the Presidency for a second time. I had no idea Edwards was from New Orleans!! Questions abound for the second try for Edwards. Will he accept the second banana job if he doen't quite pull it off again? How much more will he be scrutinized now that he is a leading candidate with a full 1 1/2 years under the bright light of politics? Can he come up with another "Two Americas"? Where can you find good conditioner in Iowa and New Hampshire??

The second time around is tough on candidates, unless they gain momentum in the offseason. Unfortunately, John Edwards spent half of the time in seclusion, much like Al Gore did, before he took a nosedive.

Elections come in cycles. 2008 can resemble either of two previous elections. It can look like 1976, where a Southern outsider with a toothy, goofy smile and not a ton of substance can win. This would play out nicely for Edwards. However, I see 2008 as another Election...... 1968. We have an unpopular war that just seems to be getting worse, with a lame duck President. The parallels to '68 and the left vs. right fighting reminds me of where we may be heading in 2 years. Where will we be in Iraq in 2 years? The Democrats do seem to be making a push further left, with Hillary Clinton playing the femme Bobby Kennedy, retreading the successful past of the party.

If this is correct, does this mean that we'll see Dick Cheney or Dan Quayle as the next President? I doubt it. But it could shape up as one of the most interesting races since '88, where both sides are wide open, with no real heir apparent.

Edwards in 2008.... Someone a chipmunk could relate to!


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    If nothing changes I really believe Hillary or Obama or both will be on the Democrat Ticket. Both could win. The CNN's of the world are already spinning Obama to the people that the time has come to elect someone of color no matter what his beliefs are. They are going to make or try to make people feel that if they do not vote for this guy they are racist. No votes should be about race issues and it will be in his case. Now if Condi Rice runs it want be. My best bet is for the GOP to run say Romney with Rudy to counter attack.

  2. Anonymous3:42 PM

    If Obama's in, I hope to hear Alan Keyes step up to the plate on the GOP side, if only to deflate Hussein Obama's charisma to a "soccer mom" electorate that's getting "jungle fever"

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Maybe Viagra should sponsor Erection '08. Stay Free could sponsor Hillary.

  4. Why does this suddenly make me think about the scene from Team America: World Police ?

  5. We need Mighty Mouse.....Here I Come To Save The Day!

    You are to funny...viagra and stay free lmao
