Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Hit List: Who to Look Out for With Florence County's Highway Money......

With all of the focus on who won and who lost (like me!), the passing of the 1% Sales Tax Hike to match the State Infrastructure Bank money set aside f or Florence County. To reiterate my position, deep down, the infrastructure bank is an unfair program, where statewide tax dollars are funneled to improve roads in the more urban cities in South Carolina. However, improving roads in Florence County will be key to it's future growth. Like about 55% of residents in Florence, I voted for it.

It's cost taxpayers about $128 million, with the State chipping in $250 million. That's a lot of jack, folks.. From day one, I have warned about some politicians who have pushed for his tax increase, but haven't really told the voters how they personally can benefit. Now I have nothing against a person making money, but for those of you who can't understand why people spend $500k running for an office that pays $10,000 a year - now you know why they do it... With that, here are a few politicians to look out for when the cash comes through:

Rusty Smith: Florence County Council.

Smith is Chairman of County Council, and heis the owner of K.G. Smith Rentals in Lake City. How he'll benefit is pretty easy: The road builders will not have all the equipment needed, so they'll go to Rusty and rent it from him. Why do I not trust him? Smith has long taken advantage of his office for his benefit. His home has been undertaxed for years, and his father was County Treasurer, who was forced from office for improper conduct in office.

Frank Willis: Mayor, City of Florence.

Yep, the man who almost was Governor ( if you count getting half the votes of Oscar Lovelace almost) is ready to cash in too. Willis owns Willis Construction, so there will be plenty of his trucks on the job sites. Since he didn't get enough votes to get to Columbia, maybe he can make enough to get there. No doubt his wife would love that...

Sen. Hugh Leatherman, Florence.

If anyone was pushing for the tax hike, it was Leatherman. And for good reason.......... Leatherman owns Wyboo Investments, which includes Florence Concrete Products, and a boatload of concrete will be used in the next seven years. The amount of money that he will make scares me. Now the question that comes up is: "doesn't the DOT board choose the contractors?" Yes, they do, and Hugh has that loophole tied up too. His son in law is on the board, now serving his 3rd term - which is illegal by the way. I've had a slew of feelings with regards to him, and this project. Do I thank him for getting the money, even though I don't like the program? Do I get disgusted with how much he spent to get this vote passed, knowing that he will probably make millions?

Mike Reino - Private Citizen, Florence, SC.

How's this for honesty? I'll probably make a couple extra dollars. We'll have lots of trucks coming into town, trucks break, and I'll be there to fix 'em. Sure, I'd make more money if we raised the sales tax 1% to subsidize auto repairs - but I'm not a Senator....


  1. mike - at this point, i think the SCDOT money has not been committed. that depends on the willingness of the state infrastructure bank to approve money that they do not presently have.

    the state would need to put the money in the SIB before they could vote it out.

    they usually are willing to do this, to take an area which bit the bullet and "meet them halfway", but keep in mind that Beaufort, Dorchester and York counties also voted for one cent sales taxes for road work, and have yet to receive SIB money.

    if florence gets, you can bet the other counties will want theirs as well. that would require putting upwards of a billion dollars into the SIB pot, and the only time that happened before was when the state went out and did a major bond issue - which they aren't likely to do again.

    this makes the likelihood of this big state match seem kind of remote.

  2. That would be a surprise. According to Leatherman, the SIB has already approved the money, and that we are first in line for the cash.

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Mike, you mean trickle down economics works? You're worse off than some folks accuse you of being, buying into that voodoo Reaganomics...

    With construction projects like this, you're going to generate revenue for insurance adjustors, auto replacement leasors, windshield repair and replacement dealers, tow truck operators, chiropractors, trauma and emergency services; all from the rubberneckers. Especially the folks that don't see a need to SLOW DOWN!!!!

    If this revolves around I-95, it might be time for a suit against all the NYC-West Palm Beach traffic for increasing the health risks to the fine citizens of Florence County. Possibly quid pro quo for the entrapment based suit against a few SC gunshops instigated by Mayor Bloomberg (who blames the gun dealers rather than the doofuses that pull the triggers).

  4. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Like I said before the election once a tax always a tax. You should never vote to raise money by a tax. I did one time in Clarendon for our hospital and so since I did it once never again. We did need the hospital and quite a nice one for a small town. Maybe a highway lottery or something. Now do not get me wrong I believe in infrastucture to be good including highways but let us get the interstate to the beach first. Then let us put toll booths on I-95 for out of state tags or something. OK so I am not making much sense but heck I am at the Savannah DeSota Hilton. Think I will go out on the balcony and have a cocktail and figure all of this out. Will let you know when I do.

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    moye, can we name the first I-73 Toll Plaza after John Land or do we have to name it after Jim Clyburn?

  6. Anonymous6:21 PM

    First toll booth will be Leatherman at which point he will switch parties again.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    So that means we get a flip flop stand by the tourista info booth, just past the toll plaza, cognate with the I-73 bypass that runs over to South of The Border?

    Pedro says, I'll be at Dare to Bare exit 40 in NC.

  8. If the booth is named after the politician pushing it the most, my guess is it will be Lindsey Graham.

  9. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I hear that a consultant from the great white north could be found at
