Thursday, December 21, 2006

John Rickenbacker is an Idiot, and Why Republicans Should be Glad He Is.........

Nothing makes me happier than stupid politicians. Sure there are plenty of them, but every once in a while, someone does something that is REALLY STUPID. John Ricken backer is really stupid!! To review from an earlier post, Rickenbacker, who was Orangeburg County Council Chairman at the time, was arrested for soliciting and accepting $50,000 in bribes from an undercover FBI agent for inside information regarding contracts involving a County Medical Center.

Well, Rickenbacker pleaded guilty this week, so whether he goes to jail or not is not certain, one thing is certain - his political career is probably over. From all I know, Rickenbacker has to give up his post as Councilman. That leaves it up to Governor Sanford to choose his replacement. The funny part is that the entire scenario could have been avoided, but apparently no one in Orangeburg had the guts or brains to figure this out.

Maybe no one else noticed, but Rickenbacker was actually re-elected in November, well after his indictment. Did anyone really think Rickenbacker wasn't guilty? That being the case, maybe someone in the Orangeburg Democratic party should have seen the writing on the wall, and said, "John, maybe you should step down and let someone else sit on council."

If this doesn't seem like a big deal, you have to understand Orangeburg County a bit..... You see, Republicans aren't allowed in the county - or at least it seems that way. There are no sitting Republicans anywhere in Orangeburg, and there was no foreseeable chance of that changing anytime soon. Until now...

If Rickenbacker had stepped down, then another person would be in his seat - a Democrat. then there would be no change in the balance of power. Instead, either through a lack of foresight, intelligence or el grande huevos, he stayed in his seat, which he now will lose, and a Republican will no doubt take his place - if they can find anyone willing to admit they are one there!! My hope is they put Roy Lindsey on Council - I might pay to see that!

Democrats must be kicking themselves right now, knowing that the door has been opened for a Republican to get on Council, and show the people how it is done, possibly opening the door for more. Worst is that it has been caused not by the will of the voters, but by the stupidity of their Leader...... Forrest Gumpenbacker!


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Looks like an ICU room for the political hospital... I still think that the stocks and pillory have a place for politicians punishments

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    First things first I would pay to see Roy in this position also. He would be my choice since the other Republican from Orangeburg county got his start by being appointed to the Ag job Mr. Hugh Weathers himself. Democrats that get in trouble always get forgiven and run again. Example the former Mayor of DC Mr. Barry. Also a few years ago in Williamsburg county the now deceased Preacher and House of SC Representative Mr. B J Gordon. Look at the election in New Orleans for Congress and Mr. Representative Jefferson the one with all the money in his freezer. The list goes on. Now take my hero President Nixon and he resigned like a good man should. Then look at Clinton and this bastard could not be forced out and we do not know all the dirt on him and Hillary. Enough it is too close Christmas for me to get mad.

  3. come on moye, we think you're sooo cute when you're mad ;)

    if the district is a competitive one, as far as demographics go, then yeah, let the governor appoint a republican to fill in until a special election can be held.

    if a republican doesn't have a shot at holding the seat, it's best not to put one in there and have them replaced a few months later. any appointee should have a realistic shot at sticking around to learn the ropes and effectively represent their constituents.

    if it's a democratic district, then get a recommendation from the delegation, or let it go vacant and let the voters fill it down the road.

    i understand there is another member of their council who is suspended under indictment, who was also reelected unopposed. the orangeburg city council member who just switched to the GOP ran against that guy in the primary, i think, and might be a good candidate to fill that seat.

    again, if he has the ability to hold the seat in a special election fight.
