Saturday, December 02, 2006

One of These Two Teams Will Go to the Orange Bowl ??

It's Saturday afternoon, and I'm watching perhaps the worst college football game of all time..... The ACC Championship game between Georgia Tech and Wake Forest absolutely sucks! It's 3-3 as it's nears the end of the 3rd Quarter, and at this point, I don't care who wins..

I thought Wake making the championship would be a good story, but this game has everything going against it.......... The weather sucks, the offenses can't complete a pass, they're playing in a Pro Stadium that's about 1/3 full, and the best teams aren't there - Clemson, Boston College and Maryland looked better than these two. It's no coincidence that the winner of this game plays against probably the 3rd or 4th seed in the Big Ten - and they'll still get crushed.

Yep, this is another beef about the BCS system.. Can we please have a playoff system, so crap teams like these two don't get Top 8 automatic byes when they are ranked 16th and 23rd i the country???? Ok, I'm off my soapbox.


  1. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Neither team finds the end zone, prognosis, there will be a wake for Wake on or about New Years Day, the Gator gets a sucky crowd of Yella Jackets that didn't want to go play in Jax twice in the same month, Clem's sons get the bone and frozen blue astroturf don't mean you're in Kentucky.

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    WR I went to Boise and such a pretty field especially with snow as a background. The ACC shut us out of the Gator and it will cost them. Tech cannot sell out JAX. Wake may take a thousand to Miami and half of the Clemson fans will buy tickets from the bowl because they are still mad about the last Atlanta bowl we went to when so many of our IPTAY members were shut out. Mike is was a terrible game I watched between shopping in Charleston and a few minutes of the start with Mama. The BCS needs a play off.

  3. Anonymous3:12 PM

    moye, is the bowl system about selling tickets or rewarding a team's record of "success"? Yes Clemsona and Maryland are bigger draws, but as small as BC's home field is, I don't know that they'd draw that large a following at an away game, albeit in much toastier climes, with Mitt showing up for campaign's sake.

    BTW how well will FSU draw on the left coast?

    Maybe this years crop of crap bowls will awaken some folks, maybe not... netxt time the Cocks play the Gators, could htey borrow the Jad style goal posts?

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I believe it is about both selling tickets and rewarding teams. Is there a medium probably not. BC does have a problem with traveling fans for sure seen it. Their TV market is what the ACC was after that great north east. I wanted Syracuse for the ACC and may get them yet.

  5. I thought about going to Birmingham to watch ECU play, but not against S. Fla. that, and I have to work the 23rd.

  6. Anonymous10:15 PM

    How many people was at this game the official count anyone knows.

  7. 2505, of which 2500 were free tickets..

  8. Anonymous11:54 AM

    You crazy man.
