1. Speed Up Iraqi Army training by buying 50,000 X-Box's at Best Buy.
2. Create trust with the people by giving them what they really want........KFC's "Magic Bucket".
3. Divide Iraq by playing Assad/Al-Maliki/Ahmadinejad, a new version of "Paper/Rock/Scisssors".
4. Cut Saddam Hussein a break - let him finally be center square on his "Baghdad Squares" Trial.
5. Improve Iraqi Army training by making them "Really Super Duper Soldiers".
6. The Cowboy Way - Black hats for Sunnis, White hats for Shiites.
7. The Playground Way - Yell "Do Over!!"
I like number eight.
ReplyDeletere: #1 Saddam had agents buying Playstations for processors to use in his guided missile program...
ReplyDeleteThey're out there somewhere.
Personal favorite, #8, though staged by the Mossad with Iranian nukes intended for Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and a couple of other spots landing instead in Damascus, the Sunni Triangle and Tehran.
ReplyDeleteOne going way off course to Pyongang would be amusing.
That second post is funny.
ReplyDeletewest, you're a sicko, you really are ... but i like the way you think :)
ReplyDeletemoye, the sad thing is that it really happened, it did make the press during the Clinton regieme and efforts to stop the export appear to have been marginally effective. I've not doubt that the dual use technology for the processor chips as part of a semi intelligent guidance system has been shared through Al Queda and that somewhere down the road it will be used to try to bite us on the ass... wonder what the PS3, Wii or 360 game consoles processors would let them do...
ReplyDeletewest, whatever a pyongyang is, i don't think it's something you should be doing in public.
ReplyDeleteEarl, Pyongang is the back ground of one part of the Madeline Albright piece Zucker did for the RNC that they didn't have the cajones to run. Jim Clyburn would love the place as much as he loves Havana, though being sure what the meat is he's being served is a bit less certain there.