Monday, January 08, 2007

Big Face-Off in DC This Week: The Dems Push Their Agenda on the Floor.

Okay folks, Christmas and New Years are over...... wake up and smell the politics people!! After all the "mandates" , all out Congressmen and women are back in DC, doing what they do best - nothing. However, we do have a swing in both the House and Senate . With that, the Democrats are looking to make 2007 like 1995 - when the GOP came in with a well-defined plan and jumped in with both feet to pass it.

The Dems are looking to do the same, although there isn't quite such a definition of where they want to go. There are a few bills ready to hit the floor this week, so here is a quick review, thanks to the folks at

HR 1, Implementing the Remaining 9/11 Commission's Recommendations. Honestly, I don't remember what points were accepted , and which ones were bypassed. I have a feeling this is just another political football play by the Dems, that they might be more concerned with cramming whatevr they can up GWB's sphincter.

HR 2, Fair Minimum Wage Act. Jacks up the minimum wage a whopping $2.10 AN HOUR !! or over 40% overnight. I really don't think Congress has an idea how this will affect certain businesses. Instead of 50 employees at $5.15 /hr, businesses will keep only 30 at $7.25....... lots of people will now make nothing. This is how the market works. Congress makes the silly rules about things they have no concept of, and business works around it. A more conservative raise to the $6.00 the GOP was trying to pass would have been better, but the Democrats blocked it in typical election year fashion. Good job, gang.

HR 3, Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act. Now, I was reading the news just a few months ago that scientists have developed a way to pull stem cells without using aborted fetuses, which would make this whole argument moot. However, this is a major pillar of George Bush's beliefs, so moot or not, Democrats are eager to shove this one in Bush's face. It will be interesting how Whipper Clyburn do in pulling the troops together, given his "strong Christian beliefs". They don't exactly mesh on this issue, do they?

HR 4, Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act. Well, one out of four ain't bad.... Ever since the Medicare act came out, I've said this was a good part to implement, for one good reason - simplicity. Ask any senior the biggest problem, and the answer is invariably how complicated it seemed. Why? Because in a shell game, the more moves you have, the harder it is to find the slight of hand. We do the same for the Veterans Administration, so doing the same for Medicare is easily workable. The Medicare Presription Act was probably the most unconservative, un-republican legislation passed in the past 6 years. Cutting the bureaucracy and expense will go a long way to making this more a conservative act, without hurting Seniors or taxpayers.

I can't help but look at this as a two headed monster whose aims are to penalize business and thumb the nose of President Bush. However, I think they'll find out that it's hard to pass legislation with such a small margin of error. Like the saying in NASCAR goes...... Catchin's one thing, passing is another....


  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    nice picture

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    HR2... Mike, you left what it will do to boost inflation on the plate. Want an issue to develop as a quid pro quo for campaign support from '08 House candidates? There is one.

    HR3 more horor stories of what hasn't worked with embryonic stem cells have been quashed and tanked to drive this reprehensible step. Like ozone holes and global warming, this is bad science and doesn't deserve to be rewarded.
