Sunday, January 21, 2007

Chalk Up Two Big Wins for SC6 and all the Little Guys............

DHEC Denies DOT Permit for Lake Marion Bridge, and DOT Commissioner Hardee Resigns his Illegal Position on the State Board...

During my Fantastic Voyage in politics the last 3 years, I made a lot of powerful allies, but in all honesty, I am a little fish in a big, big pond. Like a salmon, I feel that I oftentimes am swimming upstream without fins or flippers. All I can do is point out the wrong that I see, but I am powerless to do anything about it. Well, this week, I got two pieces of news that have put a spring in my step, and made me feel that all the work was not wasted....

The state DHEC board denied to issue a permit to the DOT for the DeLaine-Briggs-Pearson Connector, the $100-150 million boondoggle of Whipmaster Jim Clyburn. This is absolutely needed by the DOT to build the bridge, and initial indicators are that the DOT will not seek another permit. DOT Chairman Tee Hooper said, "My gut feeling is that we will let the decision stand. Our funds are limited, and with all the environmental questions, this project just doesn't make sense." Tee, you are a smart man.

Like the politician he is, Clyburn refused to admit the Fat Lady has sung. "This is part of the process every road and bridge project must undergo before it receives approval,” Clyburn said in a statement. “We must wait for it to play out in all of these government jurisdictions before any declaration can be made on the connector’s future.” My guess is that Sly Cly tries to exert some pressure on the DOT to revamp it's permit, but he'll quietly let it die once the DOT refuses.

Right on top of this, John Hardee has resigned his position on the DOT Board, after the state Supreme Court ruled that his staying on the Board past one term is illegal. This will clear up a lot of future flack on Hugh Leatherman. I couldn't fathom him trying to get DOT contract bids for the $378 Million they will hand out for road projects with his own Son-in-Law on the board. I'm sure he has enough buddies there, he didn't need to have family on there. I'm sure he has a frat brother somewhere that he can appoint.

So, I'll try not to gloat, but as far as politics go, I have had the Best Week Ever !!


  1. Mike, you did a good job orchestrating the rejection of the permit.

    I know you're being modest, but we all know that you were the ringleader of this. Clyburn's probably going to figure out how to ban you from South Carolina after this.

  2. I doubt anyone knows about this..... I couldn't fin it in the Item or the Morning News. It just goes to show that the more powerful someone gets, the less likely they are viewed to be wrong. No doubt Jim will write an Editorial in every paper in SC now. Sore Loser!!!

  3. Anonymous9:44 PM

    It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Clyburn is a stubborn old man in love with himself and he feels he does no wrong has never been wrong and maybe a god.

  4. Anonymous7:16 PM

    If anyone but Clyburn was doing the bridge thing he would have been laughed out of the state by now.

    Hay SC6, how do I get on this system as myself? Roy
