Looks like someone was trying to get a Britney Spears-like skirt shot of Nancy Pelosi. Thank God for closed knees...I know I've said it before, but look at the meat hooks on her! The lady could palm a basketball !
Ok, Nancy and and the other boys are coming off their best week ever, and now we're into Week 2 of America's Rebirth, or whatever Camelot-like name this Congress will be called. The big issues get a little smaller, as the Democrats pander a bit for votes in 2008, and continue their assault on the BBB - Big, Bad Businesses, who they've happened to get millions from in donations for years. So let's preview what's up this week.......
HR 5 - Lowering Interest Rates on Student Loans. Hey, nothing wrong here on the surface. lower interest rates means lower costs to repay college expenses, and more in the people's pockets to expand the economy. But just one question: If the Democrats now understand the concept of interest rates, does this mean the BS they've been spewing about Social Security will end? Let's hope so.
HR6 - Ending Big Oil Incentives and Increasing Renewable Energy. This in essence reverses the bill passed by Republicans last year. Yep, Congress is on your side, and they're gonna stick it to Big Oil. Too bad that La Stronza Pelosi got money from Occidental Petroleum and Pacific Gas & Energy, and Clyburn and Spratt got money from BP and every utility in the Carolinas. Oh wait.... Are we not supposed to know that? Sorry. We return you to your regular propaganda........
As the weeks go on, we'll see that the issues the Democrats are focusing on are for winning in 2008, by once again pitting the people against the BBB, the haves against the havenots. Problem is, it could work.
Why does that picture remind me of staged pictures of Adolf Hitler with adoring children?
ReplyDeleteThis ending oil stuff bothers me. People need to know the whole picture. I do.
ReplyDeleteAmerica will never be free rom oil, but we need to become more energy independent.. Maybe opening more of our shores to oil drilling would help. The big issue isn't oil dependence, it's foreign oil dependence.
ReplyDeleteWith this bill it will be more foreign oil dependence.