Monday, January 22, 2007

Does Your Astrological Sign Tell if You're a Bad Driver?? You Bet!

On MSN today, there was an article on a study that determined that insurance companies can more accurately judge a person's driving habits by their astrological sign. On average, Aries and Aquarius' are more likely to have accidents, because they are more self-centered and "me first" as the article says.... Guess what? They're right.

To have proof of this , one need look no further than our own friend, Bobby. Yes, Bobbo is an Aries, and he drives like a lunatic. Speed limits in his world are just an advisory, and the posted limit should usually should have a 1 in front of it in his mind. He hasn't hit anything lately, but if you see a White Camry with Penn State stuff all over.........MOVE !! Come to think of it, my sister in Florida in an Aries, and she's pretty damn bad at driving too. That study may have more going for it than I thought.....


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Like do they still make those Aries K cars, eh? Like when Dr. Z and Daimler took over, I thought they were gone.

    Anonymous McKenzie Brother, but it was really Bob..

    No you hoser It is Doug...

  2. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Could be true

  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    don't go for a walk anytime soon!!!
