Saturday, January 20, 2007

Erection 2008: Hillary Throws Her Junk in with the Big Boys..........

I woke up this morning, and I was wondering when Hillary Clinton would enter the race.... Well, I got my answer today. This was the most anti-climactic announcement since Ellen told us she was gay.

However, there was one part of her announcement that made me shake my head - it was pre-recorded. If anything shows the calculated, packaged image of Hillary, that was it. Don't have a press conference, don't get challenged by questions - just put it on tape, like the Merry Christmas message. She tried to make it like a personal message to America, asking questions on it, using terms like "You know what I mean?"........ Uh, talking to people who aren't there is a sign of schizophrenia, isn't it? Then again, so is writing a blog.........

The big question is, can the most polarizing figure in the race, pull it off? We'll find out.


  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I have been laid up with the Flu since Monday and when I finally turn on the computer (Saturday) this is the first thing I see. Need to lay back down for sure for another week.

  2. I hate when Democrats ruin my weekend......

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Now dat "Da Bearz" are in, does she understand that Obama owns that association, not the carpet bagger that moved to Chappequa?

    Hillary Rodham could pull it off, but, as the web mobilized Tianamen Square's crowds, circa a decade ago, it will be tearfully cast as the vast right wing conspiracy's fault, ditto knuckle dragging evangelicals with extra chromosomes; anything but the truth.

    One aside of a pleasant note, look up Dinseh D'Souza's latest book that, as an inconveeeeeeeenient truth, explains how 9/11 was Islam's reaction to the decadence of the left wing of the "Western Civilization". Nevermind Jerry Corsi's _Unfit_for_Command_ and _Atomic_Iran_ damning facts that identify Slick Willie's legacy, consider the export of Planned Parenthood as a harbinger of bringing ethnic cleansing to the Moslem world...
