Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My New Years Resolutions !!

In 2007, I Will........

1. Lose those Final 15 Pounds...

2. Get a passport...... and Use it.

3. Not Run for Anything This Year.

4. Find A Woman Who Isn't Nuts.

5. Rejoin a Band.... and Rock Again !!

6. Add 500 Posts to SC6 This Year.


  1. Good luck on #4.

    RE-join a band?!?

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Ditto Earl on #4. As to #1, go buy a Speedo, in teh privacy of your own home, put it on and look at yourself in the mirror, close your eyes and visualize how you ought to look in it... (remember to put the potato in the front though), make the decision to make the suit look good and do the work, 1000 crunches a day (though you'll need to work up to it) won't be a detriment to maintaining that build.

  3. Anonymous11:05 PM

    well, #4 is just not possible, plus the fact that you are just too damn picky! #1 is next to impossible, #2 you have to get to the post office when they are open and when you aren't working...then get the people behind the peep hole to answer the door. #3...is there anything to run for this year??? the cooper river bridge again maybe? #5, not if you plan to accomplish #6.

  4. Anonymous1:50 PM

    # 1 You can do it.

    # 2 You can do it.

    # 3 You can do it.

    # 4 You cannot do it.

    # 5 You can do it.

    # 6 You can do it.

  5. It should be no surprise that you single guys all agree on #4. Jaded!!

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    What you need is a Williamsburg county woman.

  7. Single guys on #4 yes...lol....but I'm a woman. I think you can do it Mike, just quit being so damn picky...lol...#1 is something most of us need to do but you don't need a speedo.. there is no potato bag in the front...you look good...I'm with you on #2, I'm off to the Bahamas next month myself...#3 I don't think there is anything to run for this year....so you know what that means....prepare for next year! #5 sounds good...let me know if it happend so I can see you playing live....and #6 is a whole lot of typing but you can do it!
