Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Nepotism and the DOT : Another Reason It Needs Reform.......

A ruling by the SC State Supreme Court on Monday decided that the appointments of two current and one former DOT Commissioners were illegal when they were allowed to serve more than one term.

The part that should scare citizens the most is the role that political power played in these appointments. The two commissioners in question are Robert Harrell, father of Speaker of the House, Bobby Harrell, and John Hardee, son-in-law of Senate Finance Chair Hugh Leatherman. Hardee was recently elected to a third term.

I pose the question to you guys: At what point do we hold the elected officials responsible for their role in this illegal scam, or for not correcting it when it came up? To have to file a lawsuit in a case where it clearly states that Commissioners are allowed only ONE CONSECUTIVE TERM is ridiculous. Power corrupts, and I know I will keep this in mind when my support for candidates are needed.

I'd like to make sure my family is taken care of too, but that's what Life Insurance is for, not flunkie crony jobs in Columbia and Washington.


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    You may have to find another house for sure now.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Let me see, that's Speaker of the House, Bobby Harrell's daddy you're talking about? Good thing it weren't ol' Buck Limehouse... ask Paul Adams.

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Now what was the reason to allow two terms for a Governor?

  4. To allow the Democrats more time to raise funds and find a qualified candidate.

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    the DOT needs more than just reform...
