Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Does the Black Community Really Want a Black President ???

"You may have the looks, Junior, but I've got the cash !!"

I was reading the T&D's butt-lick article on Barack Obama's visit to Orangeburg last week. In the comments section there was an interesting comment by someone who felt that many AA politicians, including Jim Clyburn, do not really want an AA President for various reasons.

I kind of blew this off for a minute, but then the announcement that the Clinton campaign is kicking 10k a month to Sen. Darrell Jackson's consulting company. This answered a question I had yesterday, when I asked how they got her to come to Florence. Sen. Jackson's partner in the firm is State Rep. and former Florence County Councilman Terry Alexander. How do I know this? I ran into Jackson and Alexander at the Statehouse two years ago, and Alexander told me so. Straight from the horse's mouth. I don't forget ANYTHING.

So, there is a little fire where the smoke is. While Obama is getting the attention of young and female voters (both Black and White) , Clinton is doing it via the 'Trickle-Down' Method. That is, pay the mouthpieces and powerbrokers of the black community, and let them take care of the rest. Jackson, Alexander and Robert Ford appear to be on board already. How well will it work? That remains to be seen. Bill Clinton is often referred to as "America's First Black President ", but Hillary doesn't really have the same clout. So while Obama is undoubtedly more black than Clinton, the question remains....... Is Obama black enough - or is it green enough?

And what of the Carolina Kingmaker? Well, Whipmaster Jim is playing it coy right now. He did introduce Obama at his appearance, but there was an interesting twist. The appearance was at Claflin, not across the street at Clyburn's alma mater, SC State. Not pushing the man in front of his home crowd says a lot. Looks to me like Bubba's willing to help Obama out a bit, but Jim follows the bread, and Hillary's got it in spades. Funnier things have happened, and Clyburn is in a no win situation by picking either, so he will not throw his weighty support ( you can get John Kerry's opinion on the size of that weight) for either - at least not yet.

It is a fact that there are many people out there who make very good livings by throwing stones at the Male White Establishment - real or not. They can complain endlessly when the man in charge is a white guy, but can you keep complaining if the person is the same race? Makes it a lot harder for Jesse, Jim, Al and the like... It really is an interesting argument. One would think that if you want someone who understands the black experience, there would be only one candidate. However, money talks and BS (or in this case, idealism) walks. Good luck, Barack! I don't think Gilda Cobb-Hunter has thrown her support anywhere yet.



  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Sweet Home Barak Obama...oval office in my view...sweet home Barak Obama...never gonna fly on Jet Blue

  2. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Cool Hand Jim is doin' the Br'er Rabbit thing, "he lay low and say nothin'". Hussein Obama has the potential of being an albatross on the donkey's neck for more than his mixed race, though the truth squads of the left think it has been buried.

  3. Anonymous12:24 AM

    They said several campaigns were after them and they decided to take the one they thought was the best and the one they wanted it had nothing to do with the money. BS.

  4. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I think both Hilary and Obama had better keep their "powder dry"....it is after all, only March. My bet is that Governor Richardson will pull closer, if not surpass the three current front runners. He's the only candidate in the field on EITHER side that speaks with sincerity, intellegence, experience and a love of our nation.
