Monday, February 05, 2007

The Florence Post Office Wins the Cliff Clavin Lifetime Achievement Award for Slow Mail Delivery.....

Sure, slow mail delivery is a bit cliche', but today I had an experience like few have ever seen before with poor performance from our pals at the USPS..

I get a check from my renter the last week of every month like clockwork. After all, he is Japanese, and they are regimented like no other people. By the way, the last week of the month is about 3 weeks early. I love this guy!

Well, last week came and went, and this weekend came and went as well, and no check. After gutting my checking account to pay the mortgage on time, I began to poop a major brick. I hate bothering Hiro about payment, particularly when it's not exactly due, but if I didn't hear anything today, I figured I needed to call.....Luckily, the check was in my PO Box - and that's when the fun began.........

I look at the letter, and the post date was January 26th.... it took TEN DAYS to get there !! Even worse, the check was marked from the Florence Regional Hub - the same office my PO Box is at!! It took ten days to send a letter 25 feet !!!

Hey, it's not a big deal. I only had to fight Snoop for his Alpo for a week... So, kudos to the Florence Post Office for giving snail mail a new all-time low in meaning - actually, snails move faster than that.


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Mike, though the Postmaster Genital is no longer in the line of succession to the Presidency, they are from the Federal Guvvermint and they is here to hep you!

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I use this PO some and you ought to try and buy some stamps etc. These people do not care to wait on you at all so I am not surprised it took so long.

  3. Thank goodness for the stamp machine outside the office, or I'd never have stamps.

  4. Anonymous9:43 PM

    go in and write a check for one stamp...they love that!

  5. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Bobby I may do that.
