Monday, February 19, 2007

Geez... You Can't Swing a Dead Cat Without Hitting A Presidential Candidate This Week!!

Now we know how people in New Hampshire feel..... Man, has it been crazy the last couple weeks around here. Obama, Clinton, McCain, Brownback.... They're all coming to the Plametto State. Why? Because they have finally figured out that we're not kooks like in New England, and we don't hold a Caucus like Iowa ( what is the point of it?). And the scary part? They're even showing up here in Florence !
Yep, Hillary was in town today with her motorcade and Secret Service arresting anyone who wasn't holding a Hillary for President banner. She also was at Allen University , and would be finishing up at a tribute to Jim Clyburn in Charleston. Jim is being honored for ......... uh.... something. If anyone has an idea why, let me know.
Another candidate coming to town is Sen. John McCain. It's great that he's coming here, but I have a minor beef, and not with him. I have no idea where, when he'll be, and if I have to pay to see him. Why? Because no one has told me or anyone I know that he was coming. Why? Because our county party still hasn't figured this strange technology called E-Mail. Nope, we a 'Phone Chain", where you call two friends, and they call two friends, and so on, and so on.......
So, while I already can tell you who will be where in Columbia, Charleston, and even Spartanburg, I have no idea who is coming in my own backyard!! Time for my local party to get with the 21st Century.


  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I thot McCain was ehre to honor Clyburn too...

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Mike I knew McCain was coming. To FMU for students, faculty, staff but the way I understand not for the General Public for some reason. Could be wrong and I also got two message's from Hillary Clinton one from her and one from a student at Allen University I believe. You Florence GOP better get it together. Maybe you shoud run for something Bud.
